Most of the graduates have an academic degree to get them a desired job. With little experience they are not sure about connecting to the roots of their job due to lack of practice and knowledge about real life situations. Some may be frustrated that what they had dreamed for after studying for so many years was not worth when they try to apply it in their jobs and become discontent. Experience can be good or bad but it is vital component for an individual because it teaches lot about life and also focuses on your strengths and weaknesses. You will be able to detect what is right and what is wrong from working. Here are some of the few tips that are valuable to bridge gap of academics and workplace environment.

  1. Work how you work best: Generally not everyone works equally well in identical settings. While you may not have an option to work behind closed doors, there are work habits you can develop to play to your strengths and improve your focus.
  2. Control your attitude. The mood you bring to work can affect not only your own morale and work performance, but also that of those around you so start taking control of your mental attitude. "An old saying goes: 'The city of happiness is in the state of mind,” to enjoy more satisfaction at work, it is important to regularly check your viewpoint, because negativity can dominate your life, which depresses not only your mind, spirit and body but your productivity level. “An additional strategy for attitude adjustment is to practice being where you are at work rather than thinking about outside relationships and personal challenges.
  3. Don't dwell. Your after-work habits help set the tone for your next day in the office, so it's important to get them right. When you have a bad day at work,you may find yourself replaying the events of the day over and over in your mind on your commute home.Mentally imagining conversations that did not go well activates the same biochemical and hormonal processes in your body keeping your stress hormones high. Don’t dwell but switch on and identify what you can learn from the experience, and then close the flashback and move on.
  4. Focus on strengths, not weaknesses. A culture where people should work on tasks that use their core strengths will improvise core competency rather than improving their weaknesses. Everyone is working on what energizes them and not what depletes them so give priority on truest skill sets as possible on a daily basis.
  5. Be ready to learn:Professional life will be very different from the College no matter which University you graduated from. So management that you are coachable, paying attention and always trying to learn new things.
  6. Communicate well:Communication is key to an employees and an organizations success. Communicate proactively is the key to smart working.
  7. Show, don’t tell:Action speaks louder than the words. Use this as a principle in your dealings at the office. Instead of bragging about all the things you can do, and then never actually delivering, you ought to show management what you are capable of.
  8. Gain trust: This is one of the most important tips for success you need to ensure success when you start a new job. Think that the quicker you earn your boss’ trust, the sooner they’ll have less to worry about and hence more free time to focus their attention on other pressing matters. If your boss finds you trustworthy, they’ll delegate tasks to you. Make sure you meet your deadlines and keep your promises.
  9. Be compassionate: Being a good employee requires compassion and understanding that your manager and fellow employees are doing their best. Throwing a tantrum is not going to do anyone any good, neither will constantly complaining about how much work you’re doing. At the end of the day, everyone is doing their fair share of the work they’re getting paid for.
  10. Be positive and happy: Think that what you are doing now couldn’t have been done a year ago or five years ago. Make the affirmation in mind that you are arriving to your goals. Spend time out with family be content you will slowly climb the rung one by one.




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