Social Media Manager

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Job Details on Social Media Manager

A Social Media Manager is a one who looks after managing the Companies online presence by developing a good content analyzing the usage of data and facilitating customer service and managing the project and the campaigns. They can also be a marketer, strategist, designer, copywriter, and analyst. They work with media strategies and getting the Return of Investment (ROI) based on their strategic intents.
social media manager

Academic Qualification

A Bachelor degree in Business with Marketing having knowledge of social media, SEO, digital marketing.

Personality Sets

  • High level Communication skills
  • Writing
  • Creativity
  • Working with digital media and platforms
  • Analytical
  • Supportive
  • Agile
  • Business skills
  • Motivated
  • Committed
  • Reliable
  • Accountable

Salary of Social media Manager

Starting Salary is Rs 14500 per month and with number of years of work experience they can earn Rs 45000 per month. A Social Media Manager can work as  a freelancer or be tied to a Company such as Education, Retail, Banking, Health services etc.

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