Speech Therapist

SN Organization Vacancy Deadline Action
1 Rhythm Neuropsychiatry Hospital 1 2021-03-01

Job Details on Speech Therapist

Speech therapist is a person who provides assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech disorders that may have incurred since childhood and speech impairments problems of the adults. Speech therapist treat the speech disorders in children through talking and playing and works to stimulate language development. Model correct sound and syllables during age appropriate play to teach child how to make certain sounds, provide strategies and homework for parents and caregivers how to conduct speech therapy at home. For adults the speech therapist can use practical approach such as problem solving, memory and organization, conversation tactics, breathing exercise and strengthen the oral muscles.
speech therapist

Skills Required

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Communication skills
  • Flexibility
  • Adaptability
  • Patience
  • Team Workin


Bachelor of Audiology Speech Language pathology program plus teaching certificate to become a Certified speech therapist professional.


Jobs in National Health Service and healthcare as specialist.


Payscale from Rs 13500 to Rs 38000 per month

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