CTEVT published semester based Diploma level programs exam form filling notice

The Exam Controller Office of CTEVT have published an important notice for all semester based Diploma program exam form filling notice details. This is for constituent, affiliated, community and private Colleges offering Diploma in Engineering programs, hotel management, food and dairy technology, social work, entrepreneurship development and Agriculture and Animal Science first year second semester and second year second semester regular and partial exam which will start on Bhadra-Ashwin of 2081. The participant students in this exam will have to fill and submit their exam forms before 24 Shrawan 2081 with regular fees and by 31 Shrawan 2081 at late fees. Scholarship based technical education of Dalit, muslim and remote regions are also on same dates. The institute will have to process submission of regular partial exam forms using ITMS online and login with their own user id from 2019 and print in A4 sized paper with regular in white and partial examinees in yellow A4 sheets. Regular exam fees is Rs 500. Private institutes Rs 2000, late fees at double this amount must be deposited at date aforementioned by CTEVT. Partial exam fees per subject is Rs 300 and for each extra subject Rs 150 in regular fees and on double fees for late submissions. The bank account for regionwise deposit and other formalities are specified in the official notice as follows:

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