Tribhuvan University form filling notice of four years Bachelor program first year regular exam
Tribhuvan University Office of the Controller of Examination have published form filling notice of four years Bachelor program first year regular examinations of Humanities, Education, Management, Science and Technology to fill form at regular fees from respective Campuses from 15 Bhadra to 5 Ashwin and for the same in double fees from one week of 5 Ashwin. 2 copies of recent passport sized photos should be enclosed with the filled exam forms. Exam fees with application forms has to be submitted by two days after deadline date at TU, ECO Balkhu. Outside Kathmandu Valley from four days of deadline date. Per student fee Rs 470, exam form Rs 60, Exam center fee Rs 100, Practical exam fees Rs 150, and for two or more than two subjects’ practical exams Rs 275. Bank detail’s location wise are given in the notice as follows:
- BScCSIT entrance exam model questions format published by Institute of Science and Technology TU
- Tribhuvan University notice of making online entry for those Colleges who havenot done by the date given
- Admission intakes going in limited number of seats at Divya Gyan College Putalisadak of Bachelor of Business Studies program for new session 2025
- Bachelor of Business Studies first year 2079 partial old syllabus Kathmandu and Kavre exam centers revised notice
- Bachelor of Business Studies third year 2080 center list inside Kathmandu Valley old course revised notice
- Bachelor of Computer Science and Information technology fifth semester 2078 exam center notice published by Tribhuvan University
- Bachelor of Education ICTE and SNE fourth and seventh semesters exam form filling notice of TU
- Bachelor of Mathematical Science second year fourth semester amended exam schedule notice of Tribhuvan University
- Bachelor of Science Computer Science and Information Technology second semester 2080 exam centers notice of TU
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor in Information Technology fifth semester exam schedule notice published
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology entrance exam 2081 amended notice
- Bachelor's degree in business studies third year 2080 center list outside valley notice published by TU
- Bachelor's degree in education third year 2080 center list inside Kathmandu Valley notice of Tribhuvan University
- BBS partial exam of new curriculum of year 2079 Kathmandu valley and Kavrepalanchowk districts exam centers notice of TU
- Exam schedules of eighth semester regular exams of BBA, BIM, BBM, BBA-F, BMS, BPA, BTTM, and BHM published by TU
- Faculty of Management exam center notice for BBA BIM BBM BHM BBA-F BMS BTTM BPA second and fourth semesters regular exam
- Make up exam form fill-up notice of Bachelor of Science Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology eighth semesters
- Third merit list notice for admission in Bachelor of Business Administration program from Faculty of Management
- Tribhuvan University amends the exam schedules of BBA BIM BBM BBAF BHM BTTM BMS BPA fifth and seventh semester exams
- Tribhuvan University Bachelor of Education third year inside valley centers revised list notice published
- Tribhuvan University exam centers notice for BBA BBM BIM BHM BTTM BMS BPA BBA-F eight semesters of 2024
- Tribhuvan University Exam controller office informed of exam postponement of BEd BBS BA and BSc programs of Ashoj 2081
- Tribhuvan University Exam controller Office published first year Bachelors level regular exam application form filling notice
- Tribhuvan University Faculty of Management fifth and seventh semester regular Bachelor programs exam form filling notice
- Tribhuvan University Faculty of Management published BBA sixth semester syllabus in October 2024
- Tribhuvan University Faculty of Management published fifth semester of BBA program regular exam result notice
- Tribhuvan University FOM announces Re-CMAT entrance exam to get admission in Bachelor programs for 2024
- Tribhuvan University FOM published exam form filling notice of Bachelor second and fourth regular management programs
- Tribhuvan University FOM published exam form notice of fifth and seventh semesters regular programs of 2024
- Tribhuvan University form fillup of 2080 partial exams of second year BBS BEd, BSc and BA programs notice published
- Tribhuvan University have published exam schedules of four years BBS third year and BSc third year 2080 groups
- Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology has published priority form extension date notice of BSc CSIT admission
- Tribhuvan University IOST published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology entrance exam 2081 centers list
- Tribhuvan University IOST published notice about reservation on quota for BScCSIT program notice
- Tribhuvan University make up exam schedules of BSc CSIT and BIT eighth semester of 2076 group
- Tribhuvan university notice for exam form filling of fourth year chance exam of Bachelor four years programs
- Tribhuvan University notice from Education Chairperson Office for new admission in Bachelor first year of 2081 and 82
- Tribhuvan University Office of the Controller of exam registration period extended date of Bachelor first year new admission of 2080
- Tribhuvan University office of the Controller of Examination BBS fourth year project marks forwarding notice
- Tribhuvan University publish Bachelor of Business Studies 2080 partial exam center list notice
- Tribhuvan University published academic calendar for BIT and BSc CSIT programs of first semester of 2081 year
- Tribhuvan University published admission test center for BBA BIM BBM BHM BBA-F BMS BTTM and BPA programs of 2024
- Tribhuvan University published amended exam center of second and fourth semester BBA BIM BBM BHM BBA-F BMS BTTM and BPA regular exams
- Tribhuvan University published Bachelor in Mathematical Science eighth semester 2077 exam schedule notice
- Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Business Studies third year 2080 centers list inside the valley notice
- Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Computer Science and Information Technology first and second admission periods notice
- Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Education third year 2080 exam centers outside Kathmandu Valley
- Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Mathematical Science fourth sem of 2079 and second sem of 2080 form filling notice
- Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology fourth semester 2079 exam center notice
- Tribhuvan University published BBS partial second year revised exam centers for old and new course programs
- Tribhuvan University published BSc CSIT seventh semester 2077 exam form filling notice
- Tribhuvan University published center list of partial exams of Bachelor of Education second year inside Kathmandu
- Tribhuvan University published exam centers of BBA BIM BBM BPA BBA-F fifth and seventh and BHM BTTM BMS Fifth semesters also
- Tribhuvan University published exam form fill up notice BBA BIM BBM BHM BTTM BPA BMS BBA-F eighth semester chance exams
- Tribhuvan University published exam forms of BBA, BBA-F, BBM, BHM, BIM, BMS, BPA, BTTM programs second and fourth semesters
- Tribhuvan University published exam routine of BSc CSIT and BIT seventh semester of 2077 batch
- Tribhuvan University published exam schedule four years of Bachelor of Science BBS BA BED first year 2081
- Tribhuvan University published exam schedule notice of BBA BIM BBM BHM BBA-F BMS BTTM BPA second and fourth semesters regular
- Tribhuvan University published exam schedules notice of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology programs
- Tribhuvan University published exam schedules of BIT and BSc CSIT second semester of 2080 group
- Tribhuvan University published extended period notice of form fill up and entrance exam schedule and time for BScCSIT 2081
- Tribhuvan University published model question paper of BBA fifth semester program exams
- Tribhuvan University published new syllabus of Bachelor of Business Administration sixth semester
- Tribhuvan University published online application for 50th Convocation ceremony of 2081 notice
- Tribhuvan University published online form filling notice for re entrance of Bachelor of Information and Communication technology education
- Tribhuvan University published partial exam routines of second year Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education
- Tribhuvan University published plagiarism check notice on project work field work term paper internship report of Bachelor programs of IOST
- Tribhuvan University published re-CMAT centers for BBA BBM BIM BPA BHM BTTM BBA-F BMS programs for admission in 2024
- Tribhuvan University published re-entrance online form filling notice for admission in BICTE program
- Tribhuvan University published revised schedule of BSc BBS BA BEd first year of four years programs of 2081
- Tribhuvan University published second and complete admission list details of BScCSIT programs of 2081
- Tribhuvan University publishes re-center notice of third semester practical exam of BBA, BIM, BBM third semester and BTTM First semester regular exam:
- Tribhuvan University revised exam centers notice of BBA, BBM, BIM, BHM, BTTM, BMS, BPA, BBA-F, eighth semester exams of 2024
- Tribhuvan University revised exam schedule notice of BSc BBS BA BEd third year of four year program notice
- Tribhuvan University revised exam schedule of Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Art and Bachelor of Education third year
- Tribhuvan University School of Management announces admission open 2025 for MBA MBA FC MBA GLM and MBA IT programs
- Tribhuvan University second year of four years Bachelor programs regular exam form filling notice
- TU published Bachelor of Science Computer Science and Information technology entrance exam students wise College priority list
- TU published exam schedule of 4 years Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Business Studies Bachelor of Science first year partial 2079 batch
- Academic Calendar of BSc.CSIT IV Semester (2079 Batch) - 2081, Tribhuvan University (TU)
- B.Ed. 4th year 2080 exam centers list outside the valley by Tribhuvan University (TU)
- Bachelor of Mathematical Science fourth year, seventh semester of 2077 group exam routine notice by TU
- Bachelors 1st year partial exam form fillup notice (2079 batch) by Tribhuvan University (TU)
- BBA, BIM, BBM, BPA, BMS, BHM, BTTM and BBA-Finance Form Fillup Notice 3rd Sem 2024
- BBS 4th year exam centers list outside valley published by Tribhuvan University (TU)
- BBS 4th years 2080 partial exam centers of Kathmandu and Kavrepalanchowk districts exam centers from TU
- BBS Regular First Year Result 2080 TU
- BBS revised exam center for Kathmandu Valley and Kavre 1st year regular of 2080 batch by Tribhuvan University
- BMS Exam Form Fillup Notice 3rd Sem 2079 batch and 1st Sem 2080 batch
- BSc CSIT 7th Semester Exam Center Notice 2076
- BSc CSIT 8th Sem Form Fillup for Makeup Exam 2075 Batch
- BSc CSIT 8th Semester 2075 Make Up Exam Centers Notice
- BSc CSIT eighth semester of 2076 group exam schedule by Tribhuvan University (TU)
- BSc CSIT Second and Complete Priority List 2080
- Exam Center for Chance Exam of 8th Sem 2024
- Exam schedules notice for four years BSc, BA, B.Ed and BBS fourth year regular and partial groups (TU)
- Internship and practical marks submission for BSc.CSIT fourth year eighth semester (TU)
- Tribhuvan University Faculty of Education new admission in BICTE from entrance exam notice
- TU Bachelors 7th Sem Exam Schedule 2024 Batch
- TU Bachelors Exam Form Notice 3rd 4th and 6th Sem 2024 Batch
- TU BSc CSIT 2nd Semester Exam Routine Notice 2080
- TU BSc CSIT 2nd year 4th Semester Form Fillup Notice
- TU BSc CSIT 4th Semester Exam Routine 2078
- TU BSc CSIT 7th Semester Exam Routine
- TU BSc CSIT Entrance Exam Result 2080
- TU BSc CSIT Exam Form Fill Up Notice For Seventh Semester of Batch 2076
- TU BSc CSIT Exam Schedule for 5th Semester 2077 Batch
- TU BSc CSIT Priority Form 2080 Announcement
- TU Exam Center of BBA, BBM, BIM, BMS, BPA, BBA- Finance 7th Sem 2024
- TU IoST Published 5th Semester BSc CSIT Exam Centres 2080
- TU notice about entrance exam for new academic session of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology program
- TU notice of CMAT entrance exam online application form for entrance exam of BBA BIM BBM BPA BHM BTTM BBA-F BMS admissions
- TU published BMS 6th semester routine 2077
- TU published exam centers notice for BIM, BBA BBM third semester practical exams
- TU published practical exam schedule and centers for BBA BIM BBM third semester outside valley notice by TU:
- TU Publishes Chance Exam Routine of 8th Semester
- TU revised exam center list of BBS 4th year regular 2080 for Kathmandu and Kavrepalanchowk valleys
- View all Notices