Tribhuvan University published exam form fill up notice BBA BIM BBM BHM BTTM BPA BMS BBA-F eighth semester chance exams

Tribhuvan University have published exam form filling notice of eighth semester chance exams of Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Information Management, Bachelor of Business Management, Bachelor of Hotel Management, Bachelor of Travel and tourism Management, Bachelor of Public Administration, Bachelor of Mountaineering Studies, and Bachelor of Business Administration finance. The exams will start from Poush second week for batch of 2019 who were unsuccessful in two papers or didn’t attend the examinations of their eighth semester exam can fill out this exam form. They have to mention the subjects which they have to appear and submit their forms to concerned Colleges by 1 Poush 2081.The concerned college have to arrange the filled forms roll number wise and payment of Rs 1000 for one and Rs 1500 for two papers made by students and as per format given at have to make those available to Tribhuvan University. Those students’ descriptions electronic copies have to be mailed at Late submission from 2 Poush till 4 Poush per students Rs 2500 should be taken.

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