Pokhara University first awarded scholarship list certificate distribution extended time period notice
Pokhara University has published a notice of first awarded scholarship list from Bachelor program scholarship committee. As per published list for 7 and 8th Bhadra 2081 on science and technology stream, Management, Humanities and Social Science streams according to A,B, and C categories of scholarship selection entrance exam and finalized Scholarship Awarded List. So,Pokhara University scholarship certificates for meritorious students that had to be distributed as according; for Humanities from 14 and 15 Ashoj 2081, Science and Technology A and B eligible by 15 and 16 Ashoj 2081, however due to poor weather conditions faced by the nation now the scholarship certificate distribution at office time is scheduled for 6 Kartik 2081. This extended date notification has been mentioned from official notice of PU as follows: