Last Updated: April 27, 2017
Please read these Terms and Conditions ("Terms", "Terms and Conditions") carefully before using the site (the "Administration") worked by Colleges Nepal.
Before using our website, you must accept our Terms and Conditions set by us (Colleges Nepal). These Terms apply to all guests, clients and other people who get to or utilize the Service.
While creating an account on our website, you should provide the exact data so that we can record correct information. we never sell lists or email addresses or any personal information to others. Your personal details will be safe with us.
Governing Law
These Terms should be administered and understood as per the laws of Nepal, without respect to its contention of law arrangements.
Get in touch with Us
If you have any issues or inquiries regarding these Terms and Conditions, please get in touch with us through our contact page.
If you have any queries, or any confusion relating to educational matter, you can contact us at 9801169142 or email us at