Kathmandu University offers high level education in their programs of Certificate, Bachelor, Master, Ph.D programs from their schools of art, education, engineering, law, management, medical science, .....
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Kathmandu University Bachelor level programs are generally for four years duration except for MBBS program which is of five years and six months. Students can have multiple options to choose their field of study with courses in fine arts and crafts, development studies, media studies, ethnomusicology, language, economics, STEAM education, Engineering, Technology in Artificial Intelligence, dual degrees such as Bachelor of Business Management and Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Law, Business Information Systems, Business Administration, Nursing, MBBS, Dental, Yogic Science, Bio informatics, environmental, mathematical, agricultural, pharmacy, physics and computer science programs.
Master programs offered by Kathmandu University vary from two years and also three years programs duration. Two years Masters Degrees are in disciplines such as dermatology, research energy and infrastructure law, human and natural resource studies, research in biotech, anatomy, land administration, leadership and management, business administration, mathematics education, landscape management and heritage studies, sustainable development. Three years duration of Masters Programs of Kathmandu University are, MS General Surgery, Community dentistry, Prosthodontics, Forensic Medicine, Orthodontics, oral pathology, and community medicine. Kathmandu University also run Master of Philosophy programs such as Development studies, educational leadership, and English language, STEAM, Management, Math and Statistics, Chemistry subjects.
Ph.D. programs are advanced and further education for the academic scholars who want to enter a research based degree program with full time study mode of five years. The courses for Ph.D. degrees from Kathmandu University are; Management, Environmental Science, Education, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, and Environmental Engineering. Program availability and special offerings is subject of change with time through revision and updates from the directives and guidelines promulgated by Kathmandu University, So Colleges Nepal suggest to check out official websites of Kathmandu University to know the latest information and new additions of academic programs in the above academic levels of higher and advanced learning.
Kathmandu University offers MPhil in STEAM education, MPhil in Development studies, MPhil program in English Language education, MPhil in Management, Mphil program in Chemistry, physics, MPhil in Education leadership, MPhil in Mathematics, MPhil by research in Mathematics Education, Environmental Science, Statistics and Computer Science areas with specializations in atleast one area in all programs of studies.
Find the complete list of Kathmandu University programs.