Purbanchal University exam form fillup notice for Bachelor of Pharmacy Bachelor of Public Health and Bachelor of Medical lab technology third semesters

Purbanchal University in four years Bachelor in Pharmacy/Bachelor of Public health/ Bachelor of Science Medical lab technology third semester regular and partial exams to all concerned students and Colleges have to fill exam forms by 9 Mangshir 2081 and pay exam fees at Nabil bank limited account number 00710017518402 and send bank deposit voucher and exam forms to Purbanchal University Exam office by 13 Mangshir 2081. Regular/partial exam fees from 2081 batch is Rs 2000, partial one subject Rs 500, partial two subjects Rs 800, partial more than two subjects Rs 1100, late fees after seven days of deadline date is Rs 1000, from ten days of deadline date Rs 2000, late fee till five days of exam start date Rs 3000, for Bachelor of Public Health Rs 8000 and Bachelor of Pharmacy Rs 10000.