RJU published notice for exam form filling of MBA, BCA, BBA, BAllb, BScCSIT BPH and BSc MLT programs

Rajarshi Janak University have published a notice informing the exam form filling for Master of Business Administration fourth semester, Bachelor of Business Administration second, third, fifth, sixth, eighth semesters, Bachelor of Computer Application second, third, fifth, sixth and eighth semesters, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of law 2,3,5,6 semesters, Bachelor of Science Computer Science and Information Technology 2,3,5,6,8 Bachelor of Public Health 2,3,4 and 5 Semesters, and Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab technology 2,3,4 semesters regular and partial exams form filling from 7 Ashoj to 7 Kartik 2081. Late fees 8 to 14 Kartik 2081. Other informations are also mentioned in the notice as follows: