Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Computer Application sixth and eighth semesters online form filling notice

Tribhuvan University FOHSS published Bachelor of Computer Application sixth and eighth semesters online form filling notice. The exams for both semesters will commence from Bhadra 2081 second week. The online forms will have to be filled and submitted within 15 Shrawan to 7 Bhadra 2081. At double fees till 9 Bhadra 2081 12 midnight. Regular fees is Rs 2500, partial fees Rs 2000, have to be deposited using e-sewa or khalti apps. Colleges also will have to submit internal evaluation records hard copy, renewable document copy and service fees by 13 Bhadra 2081 at TU exam office. Along with this, internal evaluation format sheet of BCA also is provided in this notice as follow:

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