Entrance exam result of Bachelor of Technology food technology 2081 result notice from Tribhuvan University
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published the Bachelor of Technology food technology 2081 entrance exam result notice. The entrance exam held on 25 Kartik 2081 result has been published on merit basis. Concerned Colleges have to verify the original result of entrance exam, academic transcript, character certificate copy, migration certificate copy and publish admission list in rank wise order. The application for admission should be between periods of 27 Kartik to 30 Kartik 2081. The first admission list should be published on 2 Mangshir 2081. Second third list should be published as per requirement basis in rank wise order. Orientation program and class commencement of BTech Food Technology is 6 Mangshir 2081. Other details are specified in the notice as follows: