CTEVT published entrance seats in some technical programs and institutes notice for Diploma Certificate levels full fee payment programs

Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training published notice of full fee payment Diploma and Certificate level programs additional training institutes and programs entrance exam application form fill-up notice. The additional CTEVT institutes, programs and quotas have been arranged to meet all diligence of earlier notice of 9 Shrawan 2081. The institutes names mentioned are Shree Janata Ma Vi Dhanusha Diploma in Agriculture( Animal Science)  40 approved quotas and 3 reserved for scholarship, Shree Janata MaVi., Saralahi for Diploma in Agriculture Plant Science 40 Approved quotas 3 for scholarship, Shree Ma Vi Yamunamai  Diploma in Civil Engineering 48 approved quotas and 4 scholarship, Shree Kankali Ma Vi Rautahat for Diploma in Agriculture Plant Science in 40 quotas with 3 for classified scholarship are mentioned in the official notice below:

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