Exam form fillup notice for Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) 8th semester of 2076 batch (TU)

Tribhuvan University has published a notice for BIT program eighth semester of 2076 regular exam form by 29 Jestha 2081. The concerned Colleges have to collect the filled exam form from concerned students, verify and submit at Tribhuvan University office by 31 Jestha 2081 B.S. On a quota basis, the list of approved quota forms should also be enclosed with remaining forms. No. of students form cannot be more than the stipulated quota number. The attendance details of each student of this exam must be mentioned in the exam forms. If internal evaluations are not disclosed such forms will be sent back. If students fail in an internal exam then College should not allow them to fill this exam form. Also, subject wise data of students appearing for this exam should be sent by College has been mentioned in the notice. Exam form fees is Rs 2500  for regular and partial exams. The exam form bank account deposit details are also published with more information on exam forms hereby:

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