Gaighat is the headquarter of Udayapur district and the administrative center of Triyuga municipality. It is in the province 1 region of Nepal. Some renowned social workers of Gaighat are Vipin Kumar Tripathi, Kamala Khadka, Bhola Dhital, and Sabita Karki are noted names in the social service area. The formal degree in Social Work is run by only one campus in the Bachelor level program in this region, which is;Triyuga Janata Multiple Campus Triyuga Janta Multiple Campus is situated in Triyuga, Gaighat. The College was incepted in 1987 and is a popular public campus in the region. It offers Plus2, Bachelor, and Masters programs in various academic disciplines. The Bachelor of Arts in Social Work program of Triyuga Janata Multiple Campus is four years program of Tribhuvan University that deals with knowledge and understanding of social work, principles, practices, and methods. The College has amenities like a library, sports, auditoriums, multimedia, counseling, field visits, education tour, and extra curricular activities for the rounded development of their students.
Triyuga Janata Multiple Campus
Triyuga Janta Multiple Campus is situated in Triyuga, Gaighat. The College was incepted in 1987 and is a popular public campus in the region. It offers Plus2, Bachelor, and Masters programs in various academic disciplines. The Bachelor of Arts in Social Work program of Triyuga Janata Multiple Campus is four years program of Tribhuvan University that deals with knowledge and understanding of social work, principles, practices, and methods. The College has amenities like a library, sports, auditoriums, multimedia, counseling, field visits, education tour, and extra curricular activities for the rounded development of their students.
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