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Butwal Public School NEB Affiliated
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Programs at Butwal Public School

The various programs are as follows:

GCE A Level Non-Science

Cambridge Affiliated

Butwal Public School offers A level non-Science which provides knowledge of Management, Computer Science and Mathematics in one group S1 and Liberal arts, business and core English paper in both as study pathways in A level non-Science program. This qualification helps to pursue Humanities, Social work and Civil job areas of professions in entry level qualifications.

GCE A Level Science

Cambridge Affiliated

Butwal Public School offers a GCE A level Science program of two years. The first level is advanced subsidiary level and second is advanced level. This program prepares students for university level education and is divided into two groups SI and S2. The S1 group have pure science, mathematics, and Computer Science and the next option is Pure Science except biology replaced by economics to prepare students for Science, Engineering, Technology and IT fields in the University level programs.

+2 Science

NEB Affiliated

Butwal Public School offers Plus2 Science two years program of National Examination Board. This program develops aptitude in Science and Mathematics from foundation level and for University preparation in fields of Technology, Medicine, Engineering and Biotechnology.  Plus2 Science is grouped into physical and biological groups. It provides language  Mathematics, Physics Chemistry, Biology for medical field or computer Science for Engineering and Information Technology fields as choice of subjects in 24 months of study program.

+2 Management

NEB Affiliated

Butwal Public School offers Plus2 Management program of National Examination Board. This is a foundation level program for University education with basic principles of business organization and office management, economics, marketing, accounting, human resource management and computer Science areas. It offers theoretical and practical knowledge foundations of hotel management, business administration and travel and tourism Management fields.

Butwal Public School is located at Yogikuti, Tilottama at Butwal. Butwal Public was established in 2059 BS and believes that education is a lifelong learning process and that to walk in the path to enlightenment one must be honest, care for the resources available, and have a questioning spirit. They should know that each individual is unique and their style of learning so they must have respect for one another and engage in healthy competition constructively. The school has a supportive staff who take care of educational needs. The assessment and overall performance at Butwal Public School is done by class teachers, the Vice Principal, and the Principal. They conduct regular Parent and teachers meetings and share issues that have a direct impact on the children’s education.  It runs 10+2 programs in Science and Management streams. It also has A-levels programs, for Science and Non-Science students under the University of Cambridge. Butwal Public provides scholarships for the toppers of SEE and entrance exam toppers for a boy and a girl separately.

Apart from the above regular courses Butwal Public runs training programs for MBBS, Bachelor of Engineering, BSc Nursing, BSc Agriculture, CA banking and insurance, accounting and finance, banking and insurance, personality and leadership development by the College. It provides extra tutorial classes for needy students. Butwal Public School  has deployed its qualified and experienced faculty members for various subjects to teach intermediate and training programs. The products from this institution are self-directed learners, compassionate leaders and responsible citizens, and torch-bearers for the younger generations. It is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified school and has immensely supported the communities of that region.


Butwal Public School has adequate facilities such as:

  • Spacious Buildings with Well-equipped class rooms
  • IT laboratories
  • Library
  • Play Grounds
  • Hostel
  • Transportation

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