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Chaturbhujeshwor Janata Campus TU Affiliated
Sukhepokhari, Harion | | 046-530413
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Programs at Chaturbhujeshwor Janata Campus

The various programs are as follows:

Bachelor of Education

TU Affiliated

Chatur bhujeswor Janata Multiple Campus also offers Bachelor of Education program to community students. It is an undergraduate program that prepares for teaching roles at school. The subjects in the Bachelor of Education program have Nepali, English, Mathematics, Science, health and physical, geography, population, social studies in major and minor subjects. This program is also based on annual examination systems.

Bachelor of Business Studies

TU Affiliated

 Chatur bhujeswar Janata Multiple Campus also offers a four years Bachelor of Business Studies program of Faculty of Management Tribhuvan University. It provides knowledge of business administration and aims to produce competent managers for any sector of organized activity. It also helps to encourage entrepreneurial qualities. BBS has core and allied business courses along with one area of concentration from finance, human resource management, marketing and accounting.

MEd - Master of Education

TU Affiliated

Chatur bhujeswar Janta Campus offers a two years Master of Education program of Tribhuvan University. This program provides knowledge and academic qualifications for teacher’s positions. The areas of knowledge are economics, English language, education planning and management, history, mathematics, Nepali language, political science, pure science, geography and physical education knowledge in core and specialization subjects from any one of the above. Students of M.Ed. Programs also have to submit dissertation work based on their study and research-based focus areas of the subjects from the MEd program to meet all its requirements academically.

Bachelor of Arts

TU Affiliated

Chatur bhujeswar Janta Campus also has Bachelor of Arts four years academic program of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science of Tribhuvan University. This program provides knowledge, skills of liberal arts courses in comprehensive study such as language, history, anthropology, film studies, geography, culture, population, psychology, social work, rural development, theology, music, life science, media, political science lessons. This program is learnt with presentation, mini project, teamwork and field studies besides theoretical lessons at Chaturbhujeswar Janata Campus.

Chaturbhujeshwor Janata Campus is located at Hariban, Sarlahi. Chaturbhujeshwor College is Tribhuvan University affiliated.

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