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Chitwan School of Medical Sciences
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Programs at Chitwan School of Medical Sciences

The various programs are as follows:

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

TU Affiliated

Chitwan School of Medical Sciences is affiliated with Tribhuvan University and runs Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery five and half year’s program which comprises preclinical two years and clinical two and half year’s program with one year of rotating internship. It covers courses in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, clinical science, community medicine, surgery and more with class room teaching and hands-on clinical training at rotation in hospitals.

Bachelor of Dental Surgery

TU Affiliated

Bachelor of Dental Surgery is a five and half year’s program of School of Medical Sciences Tribhuvan University. It provides knowledge of basic science, dentistry, dental materials, oral pathology, periodontology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, preventive dentistry like conservative dentistry and endodontics with practical training through clinical rotations of one year under supervision of dental hospitals and clinics. This program has internal and external evaluation systems.

Bachelor of Nursing Science

TU Affiliated

It is a three years program of Tribhuvan University aimed to prepare middle level competent graduate nurses to provide care, manage, teach and research in various health care establishments. Bachelor of Nursing prepares multi skilled nurses who can meet health care needs of the community and provide preventive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services to patients and members of the society.

Bachelor of Pharmacy

TU Affiliated

Bachelor of Pharmacy is a four year program of Chitwan School of Medical Science of Tribhuvan University. The program aims to provide a stream of competent pharmacy graduates and contribute in pharmacy and pharmaceutical science. It provides learning in crucial areas such as pharmacy operations of community, clinics, hospitals, pharmaceutical, regulatory control and drug management, training activities and research, quality assurance, and academic works. 

BSc Medical Laboratory Technology

TU Affiliated

It is a four year program of Chitwan School of Medical and Allied Sciences. It provides knowledge, skills and competencies to produce graduates in lab medicine and can perform quality control, interpret result and provide leadership to subordinate, producing, serving and caring mankind and are self-reliant to become efficient care providers at clinical labs of hospitals, research, and diagnostic centers. 

Bachelor of Public Health

TU Affiliated

Bachelor of Public health is four years Tribhuvan University undergraduate study program of School of Public health of Chitwan School of Medical Sciences. It provides education which meets the stages of prevention, promotion, protection and population based public health studies. It covers behavioral, mathematical, research, environmental, epidemiological, and administration of community and public health services. 

Master in Public Health

TU Affiliated

Chitwan Medical College offers Master in Public health program in twenty years program in twenty seats of two years duration from school of public health. It aims to produce high demand of public health professionals for formulation of act and activities, related policies in public health and opportunity for working in specific health settings of health care institutions, academic institutions, training and research, hospital and industries as experts, specialists and managers.

BSc Medical Imaging Technology

TU Affiliated

This is a four years program from Institute of Medicine at Chitwan School of Medical Sciences, it focuses on technology procedures of radiography profession from knowledge and skills of four years study program. It gives education and training on areas of pathophysiology, and anatomy of disease processes.

Chitwan School of Medical Sciences (CSMS), established in 2063 is affiliated with Tribhuvan University. Located in Bharatpur, Chitwan, the college was founded with a motto of providing candidates with qualitative education and health care at a very affordable price and has been succeeding in doing so. The institution offers a supportive learning environment along with award-winning faculty who work closely with students to ensure their success. Well-equipped and sophisticated labs and a distinctive teaching approach are the assets of the Chitwan School of Medical Sciences.

Courses Offered:

  • Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Certificate in Diagnostic Radiography
  • MPH
  • MN Adult Nursing
  • BPH
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • BSN
  • Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Technology
  • BMLT
  • BPham
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery
  • M.Sc Clinical Microbiology
  • MBBS

MBBS program conducted by the Chitwan School of Medical Sciences is expected to be completed within five and a half years which includes one year of internship. The academic year began in the month of November. The total tuition fee is forty-two lakhs. In order to provide candidates with individualized attention, only 150 candidates are enrolled in this program each year.



At Chitwan School of Medical Sciences, the quality of food and beverage including free drinking water is inspected carefully for safeguarding both student’s and staff’s well-being.


There is a large updated collection if standardized textbooks, references, or general reading books.


Chitwan School of Medical Sciences has a spacious premise and peaceful environment, just the right ambiance for academic work.

Extra Information

Life in Chitwan:

Located in the southwestern part of Province No. 3, Chitwan is one of the most developed districts in Nepal. With beautiful landscapes, national parks, landmark buildings, a fort palace, and diversified culture, this city have a lot to offer, making it an exceptional tourist area. Thus, life in this city can be one heck of an experience. Talking about the transportation facilities, one can easily travel in buses, micro, rickshaw, and taxi. There is an airport in Bharatpur. The city has a very pleasant climate. Accommodation is affordable too. The city has over sixty banks.

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