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Dhankuta Multiple Campus TU Affiliated
Belhara, Dhankuta | | 026-522298
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Programs at Dhankuta Multiple Campus

The various programs are as follows:

BSc Chemistry

TU Affiliated

Bachelor of Science Chemistry is a four year program of Tribhuvan University at Dhankuta Multiple Campus. This program provides knowledge of classical branches such as organic, inorganic and physical chemistry and elements of analytical, environmental and industrial chemistry. This means that it provides studies of composition, structures, reaction and behavior of matter and prepares graduates to work in chemical industries.

BSc Physics

TU Affiliated

Dhankuta Multiple Campus offers four years Bachelor of Science Physics of Tribhuvan University. It provides knowledge of fundamentals of physics such as quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, calculus, semiconductors, waves, statistics, modern physics, optics, space science, applied math, nuclear and solid-state physics, material science, econophysics in theory, lab and practical examinations. This degree is a great starting point of scientific research and pursuing roles as physics teachers, lab technicians, etc.

Master of Business Studies

TU Affiliated

Dhankuta Multiple Campus offers two years four semesters Master of Business Studies program of Tribhuvan University. This program provides knowledge from the real world business environment with managerial and administrative skills and comprehensive knowledge of management, marketing, finance, business strategies and administration, economics with theory and practical skills. This program allows you to gain top paying jobs of leadership positions from knowledge of deep global trends.

Bachelor of Business Studies

TU Affiliated

Dhankuta Multiple Campus offers four years Bachelor of Business Studies program of Tribhuvan University from Faculty of Management. It provides knowledge from practical and reality-based skills to manage organizations in every form and operations in their day-to-day job functions. BBS program also offers specialization areas of study in marketing management, general management, management science and accounting and finance.

Bachelor of Business Administration

TU Affiliated

Dhankuta Multiple Campus offers Bachelor of Business Administration program of Tribhuvan University. It provides knowledge of business from mid-level managerial perspectives by developing socially responsive, creative and result oriented management professionals. This program has interesting teaching pedagogy such as lectures, role play, case studies, group discussion, research, project work and term papers. 

Dhankuta Multiple Campus offers higher education at bachelor and master levels, affiliated with Tribhuvan University (TU). Faculty members are well-educated, experienced, and dedicated. Fees are affordable as it is a community college, and the education standard meets those of modern society.

This campus provides bachelor's degrees in BA, B.Ed., and master's degrees in rural development.


Adequate infrastructural facilities and academic programs are available. Extra-curricular activities are also conducted at Dhankuta Multiple Campus.

Scholarships at Dhankuta Campus

Students seeking scholarship should apply in college department. The Dhankuta Multiple Campus decides and selects students who are eligible for scholarship.

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Admission Procedure at Dhankuta Multiple Campus

  • Interested candidates who have completed their higher secondary level in any discipline are requested to issue application form from campus desk for bachelors.
  • Bachelor-completing students in any discipline are eligible to apply for master courses.

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