Gyan Niketan Secondary School NEB Affiliated
Shankhamul, Kathmandu | | 01-4793688
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Gyan Niketan Secondary School is recognized by the Government of Nepal as A grade school for learning. It can be found in New Baneshwor Kathmandu. It was established in 1989 and has voyaged two decades of extraordinary academic journey. It runs Plus 2 programs of the National Examination Board in Science, Humanities, and Management streams. The College demands moderate fee structures to make it affordable for all. Gyan Niketan Secondary School has an expanded team of academicians that imparts education in the light of new vision, dedication, and enthusiasm. Besides the College also offers exceptional facilities to all its students.

Programs at Gyan Niketan Secondary School

The various programs are as follows:

+2 Science

NEB Affiliated

+2 Management

NEB Affiliated

+2 Humanities

NEB Affiliated


The facilities offered by Gyan Niketan Secondary School are;

  • Computer and Science labs at state of art 
  • Comprehensive library and e-library
  • Cafeteria
  • Parking
  • Counseling
  • Dance and Music
  • Scholarship
  • Education tours

Why Gyan Niketan

Here are some reasons to study at Gyan Niketan Secondary School:

  • Constant growth and adaptation based on rich experience
  • education that aligns with global demands
  • Rich education legacy
  • A grade school by the Government of Nepal

Scholarships at Gyan Niketan

Scholarships are awarded to deserving students based on their academic performance.

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