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Sports Health and Fitness Food Travel Diaries Entertainment Career Blog Movie talk Cover Story Politics Technology Column Places Interviews Innovation Career Counselling Poems and GazalsA ribbon cutting ceremony marked the opening of one of the Nepal’s biggest IT event 14th National Technological Festival ‘LOCUS’ on 9th February 2017. And guess what made the inauguration most memorable? It was a robot that cut the ribbon. It was the first time; anyone came up with this invention. It was an android based robot that could be controlled by a remote. The honorable Power Minister, Mr. Janardan Sharma was handed the remote. Due to various sensors used in the robot, it is user friendly. Since the inauguration was grand in itself, it definitely raised the hope of visitors and the event did not let them down either as it had lot more to offer. The event lasted for three days. It is another major milestone achieved by the students at Pulchowk Engineering College. It won’t be a hoax if we say; Pulchowk Engineering College is furnishing our country with amazing engineers.
Before this, in 2016, a similar type of robot was seen in the opening ceremony of Cosmos College Engineering EXPO, however, it was not as advanced as the one invented by Pulchowk’s students. Though, we have already witnessed the invention twice in Nepal, the idea of ribbon cutting robot was not generated by Nepalese students themselves. It was first seen in USA in 2015. Students of Mechatronics lab invented a robot to cut the ribbon that marked the merger between NYU-Poly and NYU.