Programs at Kathmandu Model Hospital School of Nursing, PHECT
The various programs are as follows:
BSc Nursing
PU AffiliatedThis program is a four-year course affiliated to Purbanchal University. The candidates must have completed intermediate/ plus2 (10+2) science with securing a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. The candidates must be physically and mentally fit and more than 17 years old. The graduated candidates can serve on different types of levels at national, regional, zonal, district and international levels in aggregate the B.Sc. Nursing graduates are able to carry the responsibility of health institution as a direct care provider.
Post Basic Bachelor of Nursing
PU AffiliatedThis is a two-years program affiliated Purbanchal University(PU). The objective of this program is to provide advanced knowledge and practical skills in nursing to deal with the existing realities in health management sector. To take part in this program the candidate must complete Proficiency Certificate Level in Nursing from any institute with at least two-years of working experience at any health organizations. The candidate must have minimum second division in aggregate in certificate and must pass the entrance examination at least by securing 50% marks. The main focus of this Post Basic Bachelor in Nursing (PBN) is to prepare professional nurses who are health specialists either in hospital or community nursing sector with academic and managerial capacity in the related field. Post Basic Bachelor in Nursing (PBN) are mostly needed in various governmental as well as non-governmental health centers, hospitals, schools and academic institutions.
PCL Nursing
CTEVT AffiliatedProficiency Certificate Level (PCL) is a three-year course and is affiliated to CTEVT which has 109 other nursing colleges under its control. The objective of this program is to produce a middle-level nursing manpower to be capable of handling the function of preventive, primitive, curative and holistic care. The candidate must secure at least grade C in SEE/SLCexamination form renown academic institution and an average GPA of at least 2. An entrance examination will be held in which the candidate must secure 50% marks.
Kathmandu Model Hospital – School of Nursing was established in the year 2002. This Kathmandu Model Hospital was established by Public health Concern Trust, Nepal (PHECT-NEPAL).It is located at Sano Bharang, Kathmandu and is affiliated to CTEVT. It has introduced three-years Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL) nursing program with 40 seats per batch in PCL has been providing better facilities.
Kathmandu Model Hospital – School of Nursing has also been running bachelor program since 2005. It is affiliated to Purbanchal University. Bachelor in Nursing for two-years is available for the nursing. The mission and vision of Kathmandu Model Hospital is to distribute better quality nursing education to meet the demand of health institution and nation by increasing the participation and raising academic and practical attainment. To produce socially responsible manpower to face different challenges in the nursing career and have a strong sense of social responsibility.
- To produce skilled manpower by focusing more towards practical exercise in related field.
- To organize different campaigns in different communities to provide public health care.
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