Programs at Kathmandu Model Secondary School
The various programs are as follows:
+2 Law
NEB AffiliatedKathmandu Model Secondary School at Lalitpur offers two years Plus2 law program of National Examination Board. It provides foundation level knowledge of the legal environment, legal principles and theories, legal areas, law and social justice in broader aspects. Students learn about constitutional law, procedural law, jurisprudence, Nepalese legal system and legal drafting. KMSS provides clinical legal studies with custody visit, jail visit, moot court, report writing and legal education awareness program.
+2 Science
NEB AffiliatedKathmandu Model Secondary School at Balkumari Lalitpur offers a two years Plus2 Science program of National Examination Board. This program provides theories and knowledge of observation and experimental knowledge of scientific principles from physics, chemistry and biology. It also provides knowledge of mathematics and computer science along with language courses for the completion of Plus2 level requirement. It prepares for further studies in Medical, Engineering and Technical fields.
+2 Management
NEB AffiliatedKathmandu Model Secondary School offers a two year Management program of the National Examination board. This program provides basic knowledge of management, accounting and business. Besides KMSS also emphasize on soft skill training and development for Plus2 Management students such as talk sessions, idea pitching, event management. Besides core business courses Plus2 Management also has computer science, hotel management courses which leads to allied fields of management in computer application and hotel management along with business studies in Bachelor level programs from the completion of this program.
Kathmandu Model Secondary School is a modern institute for Plus2 programs in Lalitpur for Science, Management and Law studies. It has been able to attain 100 percent success result since its establishment. It is also offering dual degree for the first time in Nepal with NCC education awarding the British qualifications to Nepalese students. It has better infrastructures, facilities, learning process from the esteem faculties of teachers. Eligible students are also provided scholarships. Kathmandu Model Secondary School has been awarded by Academic Excellence Awards in 2075 from the Ministry of Education, Nepal. This academic institution provides high qulaity pedagogy, competitve environment, state of art faciltities and resources yields postitive return made on investments by the Parents/Guardians for the secured future of children.
Facilties offered by Kathmandu Model Secondary School are:
- Health care
- Transportation
- KMC hostel
- Spacious, well ventilated classroom with natural light
- Science lab
- Computer with internet services
- Library
- Auditorium
- Cafeteria
Here are reasons to choose Kathmandu Model Secondary School:
- Develops knowledge based capable students and enable them to pursue higher studies
- internationaly recognized quality education with personal knowledge
- power of logical thinking in students
- career preparation and practical application of learning
- one to one attention,small class sizes
Scholarships at KMC
Kathmandu Model Secondary School provides need based scholarship under different titles:
- Cumulative marks of SEE+ KMC entrance+interview from GPA 2.85 to GPA 4.0
- In Science stream from 70 percent to 90 and above around 25 to 100 percent
- Terminal exam 65 percent to 100 percent around 10 to 100 percent scholarship
- Class 12 final result 3.61 to 3.86 and above 25 to 100 percent scholarship all for three months durations
Principal Message
Congratulations students for your succes in SEE exams!
We are happy to let you know Kathmandu Model College offers top level holistic education blending supplementary courses and modern pedagogy. We promote highest academic standards, of decency, devotion and discipline. We expect continuous feedback and concern of parent/guardians for brighter future of their children in overall academic performance
We conduct regular periodic exam and assessment and value individual differences of students and treat them accordingly. Ministry of Education awarded Kathmandu Model College with academic excellence award. This recognition has spurred enthusiasm in us contribute more in this arena providing highest quality pedagogy, state of art infrastructure and competitive environments.
Looking forward to working with you together.
Mr Surendra Subedi
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