For those students who want to make a career out of their academic degree in Butwal the opportunities are golden. In Butwal there are organizations such as Reshunga law firm, Siddhartha Lawyers Chamber, Navadurga Law firm, and courts such as High Court Butwal Rupandehi, High Court Tulsipur, Butwal bench, Butwal high court bar associations who practice in legal fields to provide justice to the people who need the most. Also there are some fine Colleges of different national Universities which offer Bachelor of Law, B.A.LLB.
Some of those Colleges are mentioned below:
City Campus:
City Campus Butwal is affiliated to Lumbini Buddhist University. It offers B.A. LLB program at a total cost of Rs 4,43,750 of five year program. The study of this program open door to many legal fields such as litigation, law firms, legal process outsourcing, government agencies, banks and government companies as attorney general, public prosecutor. The College teaches 84 students for 260 weeks durations with 11 lectures in every year. This College admits students on merit basis of the entrance examinations.
Butwal Multiple Campus
Butwal Multiple Campus is the Constituent Campus of Tribhuvan University. It is at Butwal, Rupendehi. Under the Faculty of Law, Butwal Multiple Campus offers B.A. LLB program from highly qualified and dedicated Professors for legal studies. The cost of education is made affordable to students from all walks of life and is an academic center of excellence with sound environment and resources for learning.
Some of the top lawyers of Butwal are:
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