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Lumbini Banijya Campus TU Affiliated
Devinagar, Butwal | | 071-410500
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Programs at Lumbini Banijya Campus

The various programs are as follows:

Master of Business Studies

TU Affiliated

Masters of Business Studies two years academic program which focuses on required conceptual knowledge of business and Management in business environment of national and global perspective. Master of Business Studies is a graduate program that provides knbowledge of Business Studies in the enviornement of national and global perspective.It touches upon core business areas such as Accounting,Marketing,Finance and General Management. This degree helps to fulfill needs of Managerial positions in jobs of Business,Industry, Government and non Government sectors.

Bachelor of Business Management

TU Affiliated

Bachelor of Business Management -applied is a four years undergraduate degree that provides fundamental and conceptual knowledge and skills in the core areas of Business. It provides studies in various fields such as Finance, Accounting,Marketing, Operations,Human Resource to bring the applied knowledge into focus in context to culture, environment and context of Business Organizations. The teaching process involves class room lectures, assignments, projects and presentations, case studies,industrial visits, seminars and special workshops.

MBA - Master of Business Administration

TU Affiliated

Master of Business Administration in Banking and Finance is an autonomous program designed to bridge gap between academic and corporate practices. The general objective of the MBA -BF is to produce multi- talented, skillful, dynamic and intelligent MBA graduates absolutely fit for Local and Global Markets in the area like Banking, Finance Companies, Micro Finance, Co-operatives, and other Financial Services.

Bachelor of Business Studies

TU Affiliated

Lumbini Banijya Campus provides four years Bachelor of Business Studies program of Tribhuvan University. It is grouped into eight semesters and provide core knowledge of Business Management principles and practices with theory and practical knowledge. Bachelor of Business Studies or Bachelor of Management Studies is a four years academic program that provides fundamental knowledge of Business and Management.It is based on semesterwise system. It develops critical thinking skills, communication skills and social responsibilities of business towards society where they operate.

Lumbini Banijya Campus was inaugurated in 1982. The mission is to acquire and develop dedicated, industrious, qualified, and socially renewable faculties. It offers a Bachelor of Business Management Applied, a Bachelor of Management Studies, a Master and Bachelor program in Business Administration in Finance and Accounting, a Master of Business Studies in Finance, and a Bachelor and Master program in Business Studies affiliated with TU.


Counseling and student placements.


Advanced Business and Management courses at the undergraduate level affiliated with renowned TU of Nepal under one umbrella of Lumbini Banijya Campus.

Principal Message

Dear well-wishers,

It is a great pleasure for me to extend my warm gratitude to all concerned personalities and institutions that made the heart-and-soul effort to upgrade the Lumbini Banijya Campus to the first UGC-accredited one in the fifth province of Nepal, and I am proud to share with you that the Lumbini Banijya Campus has been re-accredited by the University Grant Commission, Nepal, on June 17, 2018 for its excellent performance in an Institutional Accreditation Award Ceremony organized by the University Grant Commission, Nepal, in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.

This evidence of quality education that comprises practicality and research orientation anticipates being the only center of management education to be acknowledged nationally in the few years to come. In its glorious journey of thirty-seven years, Lumbini Banijya Campus has added remarkable achievements one after the other. The unwavering trust of the community and welfare institutions always inspires the administration and the academic team to confidently move ahead for further progress. Research-oriented, qualified, experienced, dedicated, and technically equipped faculties readily share knowledge with enthusiastic young minds. To meet the demands of learners, guardians, and the market, Lumbini Banijya Campus has run various disciplines such as MBA, MBS, BBS, and BBM. It is planning to run BBA, BIM, and MBM, all semester-based programs, in the near future. We are expecting more cooperation and support from the concerned personalities, authorities, and institutions to materialize our vision of Deemed University.

Prof. Dr. Tara Prasad Upadhyaya

College Chief

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