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Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy CTEVT Affiliated
Mangalbare, Urlabari | | 023-410023
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Programs at Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy

The various programs are as follows:

Bachelor of Computer Systems and Information Technology

PU (Pokhara) Affiliated

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy offers Bachelor of Computer System and Information technology program of Pokhara University. This program provides theory and practical knowledge in areas of programming, algorithm data structure, software engineering, networking, web technology and information security. This program aims to produce software developer, IT Consultant, network administrator, system analyst, cyber security specialist, web developer, project manager in IT professions. The learning outcomes are fundamental understanding of theory and practice of IT, design, implementation and evaluation of computer-based systems, work in teams for common output, and communicating technical information among a large audience through business, health, government and education sectors.

Bachelor of Architecture

PU (Pokhara) Affiliated

Bachelor of Architecture is a five years program of Pokhara University at Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy. This program provides knowledge in planning, designing and conservation of building for aesthetics, comfort, durability, social responsiveness and integration of natural and manmade landscapes. This program provides theoretical and professional knowledge of urban design, landscape architecture, construction details and furnishings, from comprehensive study and skill development in this field of knowledge.

Bachelor of Computer Engineering

PU (Pokhara) Affiliated

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy offers Bachelor of Computer Engineering four years program of Pokhara University. This program provides analysis, design and evaluation of computer hardware and software systems. They apply engineering design to produce solutions to meet specified needs, provide leadership, collaborative and inclusive environments and use appropriate strategies. The course comprises of basic electrical engineering, programming, mechanical workshop, engineering drawing, thermal mechanics, applied mechanics, circuits, data structure and algorithm, instrumentation, microprocessors, simulation and modeling, data communication, database management system, computer architecture, digital signal processing, artificial intelligence, image processing, with project-based skills in learning areas.

Bachelor of Civil Engineering

PU (Pokhara) Affiliated

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy offers a four year Bachelor of Civil Engineering program of Pokhara University. Civil Engineers focus on infrastructure development of the world. This program equips knowledge and skills to produce qualified Engineers to design, construct, operation and maintenance of physical infrastructure and services. It provides knowledge of material engineering, environmental, transportation, water resource, geo technical Engineering, surveying, urban engineering, environment hydrology and hydraulic engineering, construction management.

MSc Construction Management

PU (Pokhara) Affiliated

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy offers two years Master of Science in Construction Management of Pokhara University. This program provides knowledge and skills of engineering background of the built environment and provides managerial and administrative job positions in construction projects and consultancy firms. It provides construction related knowledge in project planning and control, human resource management, ethics and liability of construction, construction policies, environment and law, management of construction plant and equipment, construction project and safety engineering, research method and finally preparing thesis work from entire study and practical knowledge.

Bachelor of Science Honors Agriculture

PU (Pokhara) Affiliated

Bachelor of Science Honors Agriculture is an eight year program of Pokhara University at Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy. This program provides advanced skills and knowledge in agriculture and develops professionals in agriculture sector modernization, foster sustainable farming practice, research and development and scientific and technical education in this field. They learn the science of crop production, manage plant and animal disease, sustainable agriculture practices, research and extend agriculture knowledge to farming communities.

Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science)

CTEVT Affiliated

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy offers Diploma in Agriculture plant science three years program of CTEVT. This program prepares junior technicians in public and private sectors of agriculture and community development related works. It provides knowledge of agriculture science, basic subjects of agriculture plant science, disciplinary subjects related to agriculture extension, crop production, seed technology followed by internship and project work. 

Diploma in Agriculture (Veterinary Science)

CTEVT Affiliated

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy offers a three years Diploma in Agriculture Animal Science program of CTEVT. It is a three year semester wise program which produces mid-level technicians for livestock and allied subjects. It provides foundation and core courses of agriculture science, agriculture animal science, agriculture extension, animal product, animal waste management, poultry and so on. 

PCL in General Medicine

CTEVT Affiliated

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy offers three years Proficiency certificate level in General Medicine and health assistant program of CTEVT. This program aims to produce mid-level health professionals who can assist in health care for rural communities. It provides knowledge and skills of basic science and applied science along with field exposure. The area of study is in medicine, surgery, clinical pathology, public health care/ family health, pediatrics and comprehensive clinical practice in emergency, medicine, surgery, clinical pathology, pharmacy, family health, basic medical procedures.

Diploma in Civil Engineering

CTEVT Affiliated

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy offers a three years Diploma in Civil Engineering program of CTEVT. This program aims to produce a middle level technical workforce in civil engineering construction projects of irrigation, road, water supply, urban development and building construction. The subjects start with foundation and core subjects of Engineering, disciplinary subjects of civil Engineering, major and minor projects, and specific areas of skills like highway Engineering, sanitary engineering, irrigation engineering, water supply engineering, building construction.

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal (MBMAN) is a Community Educational Institute established in the year 1993 AD in the memory of a great leader Madan Bhandari. The Academy is located in Urlabari, Morang, Nepal and has been providing technical and vocational education ever since its inception. It is affiliated with the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), and Pokhara University (PU). Madan Bhandari Academy offers the following programs at different levels.

  • PCL Nursing
  • ISc Ag in Plant and Animal
  • Civil Sub-Overseer
  • Civil Overseer
  • Architecture
  • Civil Engineer
  • Computer Engineer
  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • BSc (Hons) Ag
  • MSc Construction Management

Principal Message

Dear Well Wishers,

Madan Bhandari Memorial Academy Nepal was founded in 1993 in remembrance of Great Visionary Leader Madan Kumar Bhandari. The Academy is dedicated to realizing leader Bhandari's vision by offering as many employment possibilities as possible to the community's most vulnerable members through right-based community development programs. Its primary goal is to raise the community's living standards through the use of technology, skills, and resource mobilization.

Mr. Ramnath Oli

Chairman, MBMAN

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