Kailali Multiple Campus
Kailali Multiple Campus is a QAA Certified institution and a community campus for higher education in Kailali. It is affiliated with Tribhuvan University for Bachelor's and Master's programs. MBS programs aim to equip conceptual business and managerial skills to work as high-level managers demand of an organization. It prepares managers to work in functional managerial roles and responsibilities. Kailali Multiple Campus has facilities such as canteens, computer labs, internet and libraries, printing and stationery, science lab, photocopy etc.
Durga Laxmi Multiple Campus
Durga Laxmi Multiple Campus is a campus of far western University Kailali. The Campus has qualified teachers, a library, students and staffs which are friendly and supportive of the needs of academic learning. Master of Business Studies is two years, four semesters academic program which helps students to build prospective careers as administrative assistants and secretaries and financial analysts.
Ghoda Ghodi Multiple Campus
Ghoda Ghodi Multiple Campus is a leading constituent Campus of the Far Western region. This Campus has Plus2, Bachelor and Masters programs administered by senate members and teaching and non-teaching staff for uninterrupted learning. The Master of Business Studies program is affiliated with Tribhuvan University. It helps to understand the knowledge of business and public administration with core courses, specializations courses and dissertations.
Tikapur Multiple Campus
Tikapur Multiple Campus is in Tikapur, Kailali. This College offers two years of Master of Business Studies programs in the first year and second year with specialization areas in accounting, finance and marketing. This College has been approved by University Grants Commissions. Tikapur Multiple Campus is a constituent Campus of Far Western University.
Management Companies in Tikapur:
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