PU BA LLB form fillup 2080 Announcement
Purbanchal University has informed through their notice about exam form filling of 5 years first, second, third, fourth, fifth semesters, three years llb program first, second, third semesters exam form fillup. All the exam forms should be submitted by 26 Poush 2080 and sent to Purbanchal University Exam controller office with the bank deposit voucher slip of Nabil bank call account number 00710017518402 by 29 Poush 2079. Students should follow all the requirements like mentioning registration number at time of exam form fillup. Copy of their marksheets for partial exam appearing students, subject wise data and batch to be submitted from concerned Colleges of students appearing the exams along with their attendance records, signature from authorized body on each student who have pasted three photos in exam forms. The exam fees for regular and partial exam for ? years is Rs 1200, 5 years group Rs 700, 3 years group Rs 2000. Late fees beyond the deadline period are Rs 1000 for seven days, Rs 2000 before ten days of exam start date and Rs 3000 before five days of exam date will be charged has been informed in the notice as below: