If you are searching for the latest TU BSC CSIT Notices, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly announces through this section of the website. The news are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.
Latest TU BSC CSIT Notice
Tribhuvan University published BScCSIT sixth semester 2078 form filling notice
Tribhuvan University exam form filling notice of BSc CSIT sixth semester of 2078 regular and partial exams to be submitted by 27 Magh 2081
Published on: January 14, 2025
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology sixth semester of 2078 form filling notice. The regular and partial exam forms have to be filled and submitted by 27 Magh 2081. The colleges have to collect and verify the filled forms and send them to TU office by 29 magh 2081. Regular exam fees Rs 2500, partial two subjects Rs 1500, partial more than two subjects Rs 2500. Late fees and depositing bank account number is provided as follows:
Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Science computer Science and Information Technology 2077 exam center notice
Tribhuvan University published exam center of BSc CSIT seventh semester of 2077 regular and partial groups exams to start from 14 Poush 2081
Published on: December 22, 2024
Tribhuvan University IOST has published exam center for seventh semester of 2077 group of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology. The 2077 regular and partial groups of before exams will start from 14 Poush 2081. The names of examination centers list for this exam are published officially by Tribhuvan University as follows:
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology eight semester makeup exam center notice
Tribhuvan University College wise exam centers of different regions appearing for make up exam of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology eight semester make up exams for 2076 batch.
Published on: December 14, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published BScCSIT eight semester makeup exam center notice of 2076 batch. Those students who have failed in two subjects of this semester can give make up exam starting from 5 Poush 2081 from the colleges wise exam centers published within areas of Nepal.
Tribhuvan University published exam routine of BSc CSIT and BIT seventh semester of 2077 batch
Tribhuvan University exam routine notice of BScCSIT and BIT seventh semester exam starting from 14 Poush 12 to 3 P.M. of seventh semester of 2077 batch
Published on: December 1, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology published exam routine of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology seventh semester of 2077. Exam starts from 14 Poush 2081 from 12 to 3 P.M. The exam routine published by TU is as follows:
Tribhuvan University make up exam schedules of BSc CSIT and BIT eighth semester of 2076 group
Make up exam routine of BSc CSIT and BIT programs eighth semester of 2076 group from 5 Poush onward from 12 to 3 P.M.
Published on: December 1, 2024
Tribhuvan University IOST have published make up exam routine of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology eighth semester of 2076. The exam starts from 5 Poush 2081 from 12 to 3 P.M. Exam center will be published later.
Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology fourth semester 2079 exam center notice
Published on: November 23, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published BScCSIT fourth semester of 2079 exam center notice for regular and partial exam groups. The exam starting from 14 Mangshir 2081 in the College wise examination centers list are published as following:
Make up exam form fill-up notice of Bachelor of Science Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology eighth semesters
Tribhuvan University IOST has published make up exam form filling notice of BScCSIT and BIT eighth semesters of 2076 by 17 Mangshir 2081
Published on: November 18, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published exam form filling notice of eighth semester BScCSIT and BIT programs of 2076. Make up exam forms have to be filled and submitted by 17 Mangshir 2081. All Campuses have to collect and verify the filled forms and submit to TU office before 19 Mangshir 2081. Exam fees per semester partial Rs 2500, late fees from one week after deadline date is Rs 2500. Depositing bank account for exam and late submission fees are Nepal Bank Limited Current Account number 04500100099107000001. The notice also mentions step to be taken while submitting internal evaluation and subject counts.
Bachelor of Science Computer Science and Information Technology second semester 2080 exam centers notice of TU
Tribhuvan University published exam center list notice of regular and partial exam groups from 2080 second semester exam of BSc CSIT program.
Published on: November 5, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology has published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology second semester 2080 exam center notice. This is of regular and partial exam groups starting from 27 Kartik 2081 at the exam centers list college wise in the notice as follows:
Tribhuvan University published exam schedules notice of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology programs
Tribhuvan University exam schedules of BSc CSIT and BIT fourth semesters of 2024 exams starting from 14 till 26 Mangshir 2081 at 12 to 3 P.M. notice published by Institute of Science and Technology.
Published on: October 29, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published the exam schedules of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology programs fourth semester exams of 2024. The exam period is 14 Mangshir 2081 till 26 Mangshir 2081 from 12 to 3 P.M. exam center will be published later:
Tribhuvan University published BSc CSIT seventh semester 2077 exam form filling notice
Tribhuvan University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology seventh semester 2077 exam form filling notice by 5 Mangshir 2081 by students of this program with fees and payment details.
Published on: October 23, 2024
Tribhuvan University published exam form filling notice of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology 2077 seventh semester regular and partial exams. The forms have to be filled and submitted by 5 Mangshir 2081.All the Campuses have to verify the collected forms and submit to TU office by 7 Mangshir. Approved quota separate forms have to be filled. Service fee per semester for each student Rs 3000 deposited proof form must also be forwarded. Attendance records, number of subjects and their names also should be listed out for students and those students who are not listed in internal evaluation forms will be returned back. Exam fees regular Rs 2500, partial two subjects Rs 1500, more than two partial Rs 2500. Late fees and depositing bank information are also specified in the notice as follows:
Tribhuvan University published academic calendar for BIT and BSc CSIT programs of first semester of 2081 year
Tribhuvan University published academic calendar from months of Kartik to Chaitra 2081 of Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology of 2081 year
Published on: October 3, 2024
Tribhuvan University IOST have published the academic calendar of Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology of first semester of 2081 batch from Kartik to Chaitra 2081 which is as follow:
Tribhuvan University published exam schedules of BIT and BSc CSIT second semester of 2080 group
Tribhuvan University published BIT and BSc CSIT second semester exam of 2080 regular and partial groups starting from 27 Kartik 2081 onwards from 12 to 3 P.M.
Published on: September 30, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published 2080 groups Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology exams of 2024. This is for both regular and partial groups both and the starting of both exams is from 27 Kartik 2081 from 12 to 3 P.M. as per the schedule published as follows:
Tribhuvan University form filling notice of four years Bachelor program first year regular exam
Tribhuvan University notice of four years Bachelor program first year regular exam form filling notice from Office of the Controller of Examination, Tribhuvan University of humanities, education, management and science and technology streams.
Published on: September 23, 2024
Tribhuvan University Office of the Controller of Examination have published form filling notice of four years Bachelor program first year regular examinations of Humanities, Education, Management, Science and Technology to fill form at regular fees from respective Campuses from 15 Bhadra to 5 Ashwin and for the same in double fees from one week of 5 Ashwin. 2 copies of recent passport sized photos should be enclosed with the filled exam forms. Exam fees with application forms has to be submitted by two days after deadline date at TU, ECO Balkhu. Outside Kathmandu Valley from four days of deadline date. Per student fee Rs 470, exam form Rs 60, Exam center fee Rs 100, Practical exam fees Rs 150, and for two or more than two subjects’ practical exams Rs 275. Bank detail’s location wise are given in the notice as follows:
Tribhuvan University published second and complete admission list details of BScCSIT programs of 2081
T.U. Institute of Science and Technology have published second list of priority based admission for entrance passed students of BSc CSIT along with admission dates, college switching process, class commencements of new session for 2081 in the published notice.
Published on: September 17, 2024
Tribhuvan University IOST have published rank wise list for admissions as per students’ priority to study from their desired Campuses offering Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology programs under TU. Interested students have to submit their application in the desired college with score sheet of entrance exams. Second admission list is as per earlier admission notice published on 25 Bhadra 2081. All concerned Campuses have to finish the admission cycles in third, fourth or required amount of admission intakes within 14 Kartik 2081. These admissions taken in third, fourth cycle should also be posted in the respective College’s website. First and other list selected students also can switch the Campuses for that the student has to cancel admission in the College where they have admitted and that college has to deduct 10 percent of charge and refund rest of admission fees to the student who are switching the College. The last date of completing the admission switch is 21 Kartik 2081. Admissions on first and second list on merit wise ranking basis has to be done before 25 Kartik 2081. Orientation will be held from concerned college in 26 Kartik 2081 and the new class commences from 27 Kartik 2081.
TU published Bachelor of Science Computer Science and Information technology entrance exam students wise College priority list
Tribhuvan University published College priority list of students who appeared entrance exam of BSc CSIT program of 2081 with exam roll numbers, names and Colleges shortlisted for studying this program.
Published on: September 10, 2024
Tribhuvan University has published list of priority exam of students and College wise selections made in the tabulated list. The exam roll number, full name of student, rank and College priority order are as follows:
Tribhuvan University published Bachelor of Computer Science and Information Technology first and second admission periods notice
Tribhuvan University published admission notice period of first and second admission list for students who passed recently BSc CSIT entrance exams and have submitted priority form along with application procedures and dates.
Published on: September 10, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology has published first and second admissions list of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology programs. Those candidates who appeared successfully in entrance exam held on 15 Bhadra 2081 and have filled priority form for getting admitted the admission notice as per rank wise basis has been published by TU. For first list publishment the seats must be claimed for admissions from 26 Bhadra 2081 from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Final list published date of first admission is 26 Bhadra 2081. The time period for getting admitted is from 27 to 30 Bhadra 2081 till Sunday. As per second admission notice, Colleges have to put the name of students rank wise and publish second list for admissions on 31 Bhadra 2081. They can get admissions also if the quotas of first admission period are vacant and those students who are published in this quota in second admission notice in rank-based order can also get chance for admissions. Concerned Colleges have to use rank order as the criteria for getting admissions done. For new students, those who have cleared Plus2/ISc or secondary exams or equivalent exam in second division can fill up admission form with obtained grade and verify from original transcript and certificate of completion. Those admissions newly filled by colleges concerned has to send the students transcript copy of proofs and entrance exam’s rank/score sheets name list at Tribhuvan University Office also. Reservation wise quotas for admissions are women 20 percent, minority 16 percent, Madhesi 14 percent, dalit 9 percent, disabled 9 percent, marginalized community 7 percent, muslim 7 percent, tharu 10 percent, others 8 percent. College wise list of open quota and reservation wise quota for admissions intake of BSc CSIT new session are as follows:
Bachelor of Computer Science and Information technology fifth semester 2078 exam center notice published by Tribhuvan University
Tribhuvan University published all exam centers of 2078 regular and partial group BSc.CSIT program fifth semester examination starting from 28 Bhadra 2081.
Published on: September 9, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology has published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology fifth semester 2078 exam centers of regular and partial exam of previous. The exam which will begin from 28 Bhadra 2081, all the exam centers inside and outside valley Colleges are as follows:
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology has published priority form extension date notice of BSc CSIT admission
Tribhuvan University IOST published BSc CSIT online priority form submission extended date till 24 Bhadra 2081 for getting admission by entrance exam passed out students in their desired College to start this program.
Published on: September 8, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology has published notice about priority form filling extension date for new admission of BSc CSIT program. Those who have appeared and successfully passed the entrance examination of 15 Bhadra 2081. Those candidates can use the link https://iost.tu.edu.np and mention the College where they want to study this program and submit before 24 Bhadra 2081 (extended date).
Tribhuvan University Exam controller Office published first year Bachelors level regular exam application form filling notice
Tribhuvan University notice of Bachelors level first year regular exam application form filling notice from Office of The Controller of Examination.
Published on: September 1, 2024
Tribhuvan University Examination Controller Office Balkhu has published first year regular of four years Bachelor programs exam application form filling notice. This is first year of Humanities, Education, Management, and Science and Technology. Forms have to filled and submitted to respective College by student. 2 recent passport sized photos have to be attached. For Colleges inside Kathmandu valley, bank voucher and application forms should be submitted by 2 days from deadline. For outside valley bank voucher has to be submitted with application form in four days. Per student application fee is Rs 470, form fees Rs 60, exam center fees Rs 100, practical exam per subject Rs 150, and for more than two practical exams Rs 275. The bank account numbers of branches of Global IME Bank from which payment can be done from different areas of Kathmandu and from outside are as follows:
Tribhuvan University IOST published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology entrance exam 2081 centers list
Tribhuvan University has published the entrance exam centers of program Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology of 2081-82
Published on: August 28, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology has published the entrance exam centers for BScCSIT program entrance exam of 2081. The exam will take on Saturday 15 Bhadra 2081 at 1 P.M. in the published list of centers and those appearing the exams are sorted out roll number wise based on forms online filled and serial number wise which are as follows:
BScCSIT entrance exam model questions format published by Institute of Science and Technology TU
Tribhuvan University IOST have published recently the exam model questions of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Technology entrance exam of 2081-82 B.S.
Published on: August 12, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published the entrance exam model questions of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology entrance exam of 2024. The entrance exam is 100 full marks and lasts two hours. Candidates should appear on all questions asked in this objective examination with the right answers from options provided in the entrance exam questions. The format is provided as follows:
Tribhuvan University published extended period notice of form fill up and entrance exam schedule and time for BScCSIT 2081
TU Institute of Science and Technology informs in the published notice of BScCSIT new admission of 2081 extended period of filling and submitting entrance exam form, entrance exam format, date and time informations.
Published on: August 5, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published notice informing about new admission in BSc CSIT of 2081 interested students have online option of filling the entrance exam form along with entrance exam format and time information. Regular fee paying online exam form fill-up is 6 Bhadra 2081. Double fees form fill-up is 7 Bhadra till 11 Bhadra 2081. Entrance exam date is fixed for 15 Bhadra 2081 Saturday. Time of entrance test is from 1 to 3 P.M. For more information see the notice published as follows:
Tribhuvan University IOST published notice about reservation on quota for BScCSIT program notice
Tribhuvan University IOST published reservation on quota categories BScCSIT program selection for government and community College students in this notice.
Published on: August 5, 2024
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology have published the quota based reservation for students in BSc CSIT program for those who have studies Grade 8 till Grade 12 at Government or Community based Schools/Colleges. Out of 20 percent allocated seats, female have 20 percent reservation, minority groups 16 percent, Madheshi 14 percent, Dalit 9 percent, disabled 9 percent, marginalized groups 7 percent, Muslim 7 percent, Tharu 10 percent, others 8 Percent. Also constituent campuses of TU BScCSIT programs total quota, open and reserved seats list of contents are mentioned in notice as follows:
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology and Bachelor in Information Technology fifth semester exam schedule notice published
Tribhuvan University exam schedule notices of BSc CSIT and BIT fifth semester exams on 2024.
Published on: July 28, 2024
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology have published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology and Bachelor in Information Technology fifth semester exam schedules. The exam starts for both programs on 28 Bhadra 2081 till 14 Ashoj 2081 from 12 noon. Exam centers will be published soon.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology entrance exam 2081 amended notice
Tribhuvan University revised BSc.CSIT entrance exam notice details published by Tribhuvan University.
Published on: July 17, 2024
Tribhuvan University IOST have published the amended exam notice of entrance exam in 2081 for new admission of Bachelor of Science and Information Technology program. As per amendment the eligibilities for entrance exam are students should have C grade in Plus2 exam of NEB in Science program with Physics and Mathematics with 100 full marks each or those who don’t have grading system of evaluation in Plus2 with Science should have taken Physics and Mathematics of 100 full marks each and should have passed out in second division or ISc degree equivalent to Tribhuvan University with Physics and Mathematics papers of 100 full marks each and passed out in second division or A level with Physics and Mathematics 100 full marks each with D grade ( with or without small letter), or Diploma in Civil Engineering with Physics and Mathematics of 100 full marks each and passed in second division. Entrance exam application forms have to be filled by online completely. It is available from 10 A.M. from 20 Ashar 2081. Entrance exam fees is Rs 1950 which can be deposited from online using Product ID or Global IME bank any branch and fill out transaction id number or bank voucher number completely. All required documents should also be uploaded by the participants. Grade 11 and 12 transcripts, mark sheets or Grade 11 mark sheet and Grade 12 admit card can also be uploaded. Forms must be submitted online and acknowledgement page should be printed out. Entrance exam district should be selected by students as per the convenience from one mentioned in the published notice as follows:
TU notice about entrance exam for new academic session of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology program
TU notice for entrance exam form submission for new admission intakes of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
Published on: July 8, 2024
Tribhuvan University have published entrance exam notice for new admission in BSc.CSIT session of 2081-82 B.S. Eligibility for appearing entrance exam are Completed Plus2 Science with C grades in all subjects and Physics and Maths as main subjects, or ISc second division with Physics and Maths, or A level with Physics and Maths of 100 full marks each with D minimum or CTEVT three years Diploma in Engineering with Physics, Chemistry can fill and submit form online from https://iost.tu.edu.np.
Entrance exam fees is Rs 1950. While filling the forms the online copies of academic transcripts of Plus2 should be uploaded and acknowledge page should be printed out. Forms have been open from 20 Ashar onwards. Supporting documents like personal ID, Citizenship copy, license certificate, voters id, national id, must be shown to collect the entrance exam admit card.
Entrance exam will be objective type questions of 100 full marks.
BSc CSIT eighth semester of 2076 group exam schedule by Tribhuvan University (TU)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology eighth semester of 2076 group exam schedule notice from Tribhuvan University (TU)
Published on: June 6, 2024
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology have published BScCSIT eighth semester of 2076 batch exam schedule. Both regular and partial exams of the previous group will commence from 23 Ashad 2081 B.S. from 12 to 3 P.M. till 6 Shrawan. Those who miss this exam will not have a chance to re appear again. Practical exams can be held from concerned Colleges as per their information. Exam centers of this exam will be published by Tribhuvan University soon.
Internship and practical marks submission for BSc.CSIT fourth year eighth semester (TU)
Internship and practicals marks submission notice for BSc.CSIT fourth year eighth semester from IOST, Tribhuvan University (TU)
Published on: June 6, 2024
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and technology have published a notice about submission of BSc.CSIT eighth semester program internship and practical works marks by 15 Ashad 2081 at exam office of IOST, Tribhuvan University. This is applied for BScCSIT eight semesters of 2076 batch students.
Academic Calendar of BSc.CSIT IV Semester (2079 Batch) - 2081, Tribhuvan University (TU)
Tribhuvan University IOST Dean’s office publish BSc CSIT fourth semester of 2079 group academic calendar of 2081 session
Published on: June 6, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology has published the academic calendar of 2081 for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology fourth semester 2079 batch. The calendar marks all important dates of public holidays, working days, mid term, form filling date and board examination date of fourth semester. BSc CSIT fourth semester board exam results will be published after 90 days of completion of board exams.
BSc CSIT 8th Semester 2075 Make Up Exam Centers Notice
Published on: February 24, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology (TU IOST) have published Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology fourth year, eighth semester 2075 make up exam centers notice. The make up exam will start from 18 Falgun 2080 and the exam centers list are as follows:
TU BSc CSIT 4th Semester Exam Routine 2078
Published on: February 16, 2024
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology (TU IOST) has published the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) fourth-semester exam routine of the 2078 batch. Exam starts from 6 Chaitra 2080 from 12 to 3 P.M. from 12 to 3P.M. as mentioned in notice above.
BSc CSIT 7th Semester Exam Center Notice 2076
BSc CSIT 7th Semester Exam Center Notice 2076
Published on: January 31, 2024
Tribhuvan University has published the examination centers notice of BSc.CSIT fourth year seventh semester 2076 group regular and partial examinations from 26 Magh 2080.
The list of exam centers, for those Colleges and students appearing this examination are mentioned specifically in this published notice as above:
BSc CSIT 8th Sem Form Fillup for Makeup Exam 2075 Batch
Published on: January 18, 2024
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology(TU IoST) has published a form fillup notice for make-up exams of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) eighth semester of 2075 batch. Students have to fill and submit forms by 23 Magh 2080. Concerned Colleges have to collect, verify and submit at Tribhuvan University office by 25 Magh 2080. Exam processing fees are Rs 2500 and late fees are also Rs 2500 from the first week after the deadlines. The bank details are also mentioned in the notice published below:
TU BSc CSIT 2nd year 4th Semester Form Fillup Notice
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST), Dean's Office, Examination Department, Balkhu published the form fillup notice regarding the second year fourth semester examination of B.Sc Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc.CSIT), batch 2078. This routine was published on 22th Poush, 2080.
Published on: January 8, 2024
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST), Dean's Office, Examination Department, Balkhu has published notice for exam form fillup of B.Sc Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc.CSIT), second-year fourth semester 2078 batch regular and partial exams by 22 Magh 2080. The concerned Colleges should collect and send them to the TU IOST office by 24 Magh. The list of students as per quota basis, internal evaluation, and attendance record should also be submitted along with filled and submitted exam forms by students appearing the exams. Regular exam fees are Rs 2500, Partial exam fees for 2 subjects Rs 1500, and partial exams for more than two subjects Rs 2500. Late fees are Rs 2500 extra for regular, Rs 1500 for partial, and Rs 2500 for more than 2 subjects extra is charged by T.U. All fees should be deposited in Nepal Bank Limited current account. Exam centers will be published later. Students are not supposed to fill forms other than this semester, if found the whole exam will be canceled by Tribhuvan University.
TU BSc CSIT 7th Semester Exam Routine
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST), Dean's Office, Examination Department, Balkhu published the exam routine regarding the seventh-semester examination of B.Sc Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc.CSIT), batch 2076. This routine was published on 22th Poush, 2080.
Published on: January 7, 2024
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST), Dean's Office, Examination Department, Balkhu has published B.Sc Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) seventh semester of four years program exam schedule of 2076 regular and partial exams before this batch. The upcoming exam will start on 26 Magh 2080 B.S. from 12 to 3 P.M. The exam centers will be published soon.
- Exam starts from 2080-10-26 (9th February, 2024)
- Exam ends at 2080-11-06 (18th February, 2024)
- Exam time: 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm
- Examination Centre: To be decided later
The complete exam schedule can be found here in the following PDF.
TU IoST Published 5th Semester BSc CSIT Exam Centres 2080
Institute of Science and Technology of Tribhuvan University published the 5th semester BSc CSIT exam centres on 24th Mangsir, 2080. The notice relates to both the partial examinees before batch 2077 and the regular examinees of batch 2077.
TU IoST will conduct the fifth semester Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) exam on 1st Posh, 2080.
You can view the BSc CSIT exam centres 2080 from the PDF provided below. Or you can visit the official website of the Institute of Science and Technology.
Published on: December 10, 2023
TU BSc CSIT Exam Form Fill Up Notice For Seventh Semester of Batch 2076
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST) has published the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) exam form fill-up notice for seventh semester of batch 2076 on 4th Mangsir, 2080.
The students appearing for both the regular and partial examination should submit the form by December 20, 2023 (Poush 4, 2080). The respective college should tally and submit the form to the IoST by the 6th Poush.
Published on: November 21, 2023
TU BSc CSIT Exam Form Fees
- Regular- NPR 2,500
- Partial ( up to 2 subjects)- NPR 1,500
- Partial (more than 2 subjects)- NPR 2,500
Please view the TU BSc CSIT exam form fill-up notice in the PDF below.
Things that colleges should pay attention to
a) About Quota, Service Charges and Affiliate Charges
- They should send the proof of the approved quota form along with the application.
- They shouldn’t send more student forms than the quota.
- They should send the name list of students who have received the full scholarship according to the rules of Tribhuvan University that should be provided according to the rules.
- The college should send the photocopy of the marksheet of the partial examinees along with the TU BSc CSIT exam form.
b) About Attendance, Internal Assessment and Subject-wise Marks of the Examinee.
- The college should attach the attendance of the students according to the rules of Tribhuvan University in the examination form.
- They should send a separate list along with the score of the internal evaluation of students in the exam application form.
- The college should compulsorily send the internal evaluation otherwise the IoST will send the form back.
- They should not allow students to fill out the BSc CSIT exam form for those subjects that they have failed in the internal assessment. If the students appear in the examination of such subjects, the institute will terminate the exam of said subject.
- The college should send the subject-wise data of the candidates participating in the examination along with the examination application form.
TU BSc CSIT Exam Schedule for 5th Semester 2077 Batch
The Institute of Science and Technology of Tribhuvan University published the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) fifth-semester exam schedule. They issued the notice on Mangsir 4, 2080.
TU IoST will administer the BSc CSIT exam for the fifth semester of the 2077 batch and the partial exams for the previous batch of the same semester as per the date mentioned in the notice.
Published on: November 20, 2023
Important Details
- Exam Starts from Poush 1, 2080.
- Exam ends on Poush 16, 2080.
- Exam Time- 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Frequently Asked Questions for TU BSc CSIT Exam for 5th Semester of 2077 Batch
1) What are the exam centers for the TU BSc CSIT exam for 5th semester of 2077 batch?
TU IoST will publish the notice concerning the exam centers later on. You can find the information on Colleges Nepal.
Also, you can visit the official website of TU IoST.
2) Where can I find the information regarding the BSc CSIT practical examination?
Please contact your respective colleges to find the information about the BSc CSIT practical examinations.
3) What if I am unable to take the TU BSc CSIT exam for the 5th semester of the 2077 batch?
Please note that, there are no other provisions for the students who miss or are absent in the BSc CSIT fifth semester examination.
BSc CSIT Second and Complete Priority List 2080
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST), Dean's Office, Exam Department, Balkhu has published the notice regarding the second and complete priority list of four-year Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) subject for the academic year 2080.
Published on: October 16, 2023
The BSc CSIT priority list was published solely based on the rank on 29th Ashwin, 2080.
Here are some key points extracted from the notice that students might find useful.
- Those who want to be admitted to their desired colleges should apply along with the score sheet obtained in the entrance exam.
- The Application Template is attached with the PDF which applicants can print and submit to the desired colleges.
- Campuses/colleges should request applications from the students who are on the second admission list from 12th to 15th Kartik 2080.
- The admission according to the BSc CSIT priority second list should be completed from 20th to 24th Kartik, 2080.
- The campuses/colleges should publish the third, fourth and necessary BSc CSIT priority list and complete the admission process by 30th November, 2023.
- Pupils can cancel their admission to a certain college and switch to another one if they wish to do so.
- After switching the college, students have to be admitted to it by the 27th November, 2023.
- Application Cancellation Template is attached with the PDF.
- Orientation date: 15th Mangsir, 2080.
- Classes start from 16th Mangsir, 2080.
The BSc CSIT priority list was published as precisely as possible. However, if there are any errors, the department will correct them as per their regulation.
You can view the BSc CSIT priority list from the PDF above.
TU BSc CSIT 2nd Semester Exam Routine Notice 2080
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST), Dean's Office, Examination Department, Balkhu published the exam routine regarding the second-semester examination of B.Sc Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc.CSIT), batch 2079. This routine was published on 24th Ashwin, 2080.
Published on: October 12, 2023
This notice of exam routine is published for all the BSc CSIT 2nd semester students of 2079 batch who will be appearing for the regular examination being conducted in 2080 BS. The students of the same semester of the previous academic year who have failed and are required to take the partial examination can also attend this exam.
Here are some key points that students might find useful:
- Exam starts from 2080-08-12 (28th November, 2023)
- Exam ends at 2080-08-26 (12th December, 2023)
- Exam time: 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm
- Examination Centre: To be decided later
Please view the PDF given above to get detailed information about the routine notice.
TU BSc CSIT Priority Form 2080 Announcement
The Institute of Science and Technology (IOST), Tribhuvan University (TU), is pleased to announce that the priority form filling process for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) program for the academic year 2080.
It will begin on Ashoj 15, 2080 and end on Ashoj 17, 2080 at 5 o'clock evening.
All qualified students who have passed the BSc CSIT entrance exam can fill out the priority form. Students can select up to 20 colleges in order of preference.
The college to which a student is admitted will be based on their priority list and their rank in the entrance exam merit list.
Published on: October 3, 2023
The TU BSc CSIT Priority Form 2080 is an essential document that enables you to indicate your preferences for the upcoming academic sessions. It allows you to express your priorities concerning elective courses, project preferences, and any other relevant academic considerations.
To fill out the priority form, students need to visit the IOST website and follow the instructions provided. Students will need their entrance exam registration number and voucher code to fill out the form.
Instructions for Filling Out the TU BSc CSIT Priority Form 2080:
- Access The Priority Form: Visit the IOST website and click on the "BSc CSIT Priority Form" link.
- Login and Fill-up the Requirements: Enter your entrance exam registration number and voucher code.
- Review: Select your preferred colleges in order of preference.
- Submission: Submit your form and pay the application fee.
Important Note for BSc CSIT Students
Students who are unable to fill out the priority form online can submit a hard copy of the form to the IOST office. Moreover, late submissions may not be considered and incomplete forms will not be processed.
Ensure that your preferences align with your academic goals and program requirements. If in case of emergency, please contact at TU IOST portal for any technical issues or inquiries related to the form.
Why is BSc CSIT Priority Form 2080 Important?
The Priority Form is a crucial step in tailoring your academic journey. Your choices influence the course offerings, faculty planning, and overall program structure. Your input is valuable, and we encourage you to participate actively in this process.
Your cooperation in submitting the TU BSc CSIT Priority Form 2080 on time is greatly appreciated. It ensures a smoother academic experience for you and your peers. We wish all the students the best of luck in the priority form filling process!
TU BSc CSIT Entrance Exam Result 2080
TU published the result of the BSc CSIT entrance exam for the 2080 batch on Saturday, September 30, 2023 (Ashoj 13, 2080). Students who have qualified for admission to BSc CSIT can apply to their preferred colleges and campuses through the Tribhuvan University's office of the dean, IOST.
Published on: October 2, 2023
We are pleased to announce the results of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT) entrance exam for the academic year 2080. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all candidates who have successfully cleared the examination.
The results are now available on the official website of Colleges Nepal. Candidates can access their individual results by clicking inside the notice section. Additionally, the list of successful candidates will be displayed on the TU notice board.
We understand the anticipation and excitement surrounding the results. For any technical assistance regarding result access or other related queries, please contact our IT support team at TU Controller of Examination, Balkhu.
Selected candidates are advised to keep a close eye on the official website for further instructions regarding the admission process, counseling dates, and other important details. We appreciate the hard work and dedication demonstrated by all candidates throughout the admission process. The university wishes you the best of luck in your academic journey.
Once again, congratulations to all successful candidates!