MSc Transportation Engineering and Management | PU (Pokhara)

The Master of Science in Transportation Engineering or MSc Transportation Engineering and Management is a degree that can be used all around the world in the fact that transportation system contribute in essential ways to any district's physical, monetary, and social structure. Transportation Engineering concentrates on the arranging, development, management, and execution of transportation system. These system consists of offices, vehicles, control components, new programs, and arrangements that allow the productive travel of individuals and cargo. It is a progressed course of study which helps to have a professional success in Engineering and transportation. Duration of this course is 2 years.

Objectives of MSc Transportation Engineering and Management

Transportation serves society's essential requirements for individual travel and exchange of goods. Transportation engineering applies specialized learning to give effective and productive transportation service that addresses societal needs while keeping up compatibility with ecological, vitality and wellbeing objectives. MSc Transportation Engineering and Management programs gives the candidates abilities in arranging, operating, and development of transportation systems. MSc Transportation Engineering and Management course gives both an expansive familiarity with transportation ideas and an understanding of investigative and specialized learning to address transportation issues.

Our understudies will have capacity to:

  1. Apply information of math, science, and engineering.
  2. Plan and conduct tests, and examine and translate information.
  3. Plan a project, component, or procedure to address desired needs.
  4. Function on multi-disciplinary groups.
  5. Distinguish, form, and take care of designing issues.
  6. Understand expert and moral obligation.
  7. Impart effectively.
  8. Understand the effect of building arrangements in a worldwide and societal connection.
  9. Participate in deep rooted learning.
  10. learn contemporary issues.

Admission Requirements in MSc Transportation Engineering and Management

The candidate willing to appear in the entrance examination to get enrollment into the M.Sc. program should fill and submit the Application Form online within the deadline prescribed by the Entrance Exam Board. Application forms will be available in the following websites: or

The application procedures for candidates are described below:

  1. They should deposit required amount as an application fee for entrance examination in Account No mentioned in the notice by submitting a specially prepared voucher often by filling applicant's name and date of birth in it. The voucher No. indicated in the voucher needs to be specified in the online application form.
  2. They must select the appropriate examination stream.
  3. They should fill up the other required fields in the form without skipping any steps.
  4. They also needs to upload his/her color photograph of prescribed specification and one of the following identification documents.
  • Citizenship certificate
  • Passport
  • Last exam admit card

Career and Scope

Job opportunities after MSc Transportation Engineering and Management program are accessible both in general society division (e.g. government transportation services, provincial and civil streets, activity and travel offices) and the private division (e.g. building experts, trucking, railroad and aerial shuttle organizations, vehicle producing).

Some example duties of transport engineers are listed below:

  • Plan or get ready arrangements for new transportation system, for example, air terminals, passenger trains, interstates, lanes and roadway lighting.
  •  Manage or repair of transportation systems or parts of system.
  •  Analyze natural effect for transportation ventures.
  •  Check construction arrangements, plan computations, or expense evaluations to guarantee completeness, precision, and adjustment to engineering benchmarks and practices.
  •  Deliberate with builders, service organizations, or government offices to examine plans, determinations, or work plans.
  •  Immediate the reviewing, staking, and laying-out of development projects.
  •  Investigate completed transportation tasks to guarantee wellbeing or agreeability with material norms or regulations.
  •  Explore or test particular development project materials to focus consistence with details or principles.
  •  Examine movement issues and prescribe strategies to enhance traffic stream and security.