Post Graduate Diploma in Health Care Management | PU (Pokhara)

PGDHCM or Post Graduate Diploma in Health Care Management program is a practice-situated and industry- applicable administration training program of high and skilled knowledge that outfit students with considerable establishing in expert information in management and also advancing their practical capability for enhanced managerial execution. The Postgraduate Diploma in Health Service Management is a professionally planned program of universal standard intending to give an establishment course in health awareness management in a more extensive sense and furthermore plans for some particular applications of human health administration. It opens up a good career for the freshmsn, furthermore, sets them up for further studies in health awareness management. Members in PGDHCM program study health frameworks and health financial matters in the general health program. The Postgraduate Diploma in Health Service Management is a progressed program of expert education for individuals working in the health and incapacity divisions who wish to set themselves up for positions in health administration.

Objectives of Post Graduate Diploma in Health Care Management


The PGDHCM Program, which prompts MHCM program in the Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) of Pokhara University, is committed to present hypothetical and theoretical learning in Health Care Management.

Apart from this, Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care Management program's objectives are as follows:

  • Plan to update proficient level and managerial position either in Health Care Management or in Hospital Management.
  • Teaching an inspirational, capacities and commonsense abilities, that are beneficial for a capable and mindful candidates.
  • Creating vital establishment for expert managerial aptitudes in Management, particularly in Health Care Management and
  • Plan to take position as the head of the Hospital Management: Hospital Administrator in average measured healing centers, wellbeing activities or unit head of huge scale Health Care Organizations.

Career and Scope

As a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care Management beneficiary, you are prepared to have a good career in various fields like health/wellbeing services supervision, matured care supervision, health arranging, worldwide health care, health advancement, and natural cleanliness and examination studies.