MA Media Technology | PU

Purbanchal University offers a Master's degree in The Master of Arts in Media Technology or MA Media Technology program which falls under the faculty of Media, Journalism and Related Studies. It is a 2 years course consisting of 63 credit hours.

This program can actually be defined as a more sophisticated and complex discipline of Mass Communication. As the evolving and progressing Nepalese media sector demands for qualified professional media persons, the importance of this degree have also increased among the youths.

Shepherd College is the only college offering the program of Master of Arts in Media Technology under the affiliation of Purbanchal University. The college charges Rs.1,46,500/- for this degree.

Objectives of MA Media Technology

The main objective of MA Media Technology course is given below:

  • To meet the challenges and the technologies of the 21stcentury and implement them in the field of Media.
  • To gain appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities in specialized areas of media and communication and develop leadership roles and qualities.
  • It helps a lot in managing projects under the communication framework.
  • The students will be capable of easily tackling the technical, media related problems and present technical real-time solution.
  • To learn methodologies of forming strategy and tactics for the development and implementation of communication plans and programs in our country.
  • Not only with the premade technology and ideas, the qualified students will be able to adopt themselves with the new upcoming technologies and skills.

Admission Requirements in MA Media Technology

The applicants willing to enroll themselves to MA Media Technology studies must have a Bachelor's Degree in any discipline. Work experience is usually preferred but not essential.

Career and Scope

Media and media technologies have narrowed the world as we can communicate across the world in real time and learn the happenings of every corner of the world conveniently. Due to technological advancement and competitive environment around the globe, the media organization demands highly qualified manpower that can actively face challenges and come out with a solution.

MA Media Technology course ensures that the graduates will garner appropriate and required skills, knowledge and abilities required to compete in this vast field of media technology. It overall prepares any individual to work as a media related professional with the proper leadership qualities in any chosen area.

The graduate of this degree will be proficient:

  • To use their skills and knowledge in the media sector, technical areas of communication for a specific organizational challenge or issue.
  • To manage all the projects under a communication framework.
  • To use media technology and work effectively in specialized media environment.
  • To help overcome all the technical solution for media and communication related problems.
  • To work, manage and operate creative and technical experts.
  • To use logic and tactics for the formulation of future plans and programs.
  • To adapt themselves with the new and recent technologies.

After the completion of the course, the graduates can seek job opportunities in production companies, media houses, advertising agencies, and other media related organizations. They will be able to work with different national and international experts and manage all the professional equipments. The Master of Arts in Media Technology graduates can choose career paths as:

  • Graphic designer
  • Multimedia artist and animator
  • Pre-press technician
  • Entry-level 3-D artist
  • Press operator
  • Studio or wedding photographer