MEd - Master of Education | PU

Purbanchal University (PU) has been offering Master of Education (M.Ed.) course which falls under the field of Humanities. This course aims to produce competent professionals such as teachers, curriculum specialists, education planners, managers, administrators and researchers.

It is a postgraduate qualification to specialize academically in education. The course pattern of M.Ed. includes professional courses, specialization courses and elective courses. Scholars can study in any one of the succeeding subjects:

  • Curriculum and Evaluation
  • Economics Edu.
  • English Language Edu.
  • Planning and Management Edu.
  • Geography Edu.
  • Health Edu.
  • History Edu.
  • Mathematics Edu.
  • Nepali Language Edu.
  • Physical Edu.
  • Political Science Edu.

This course also includes assignments, seminars, case studies and a lot of field studies for effective learning.

Objectives of MEd - Master of Education

The objectives of this course are as follows:

  • To provide students with professional skills.
  • To provide knowledge leadership and problem solving skills in the field of education.
  • To aware students with existing educational issues.
  • To polish the research and report writing skills by conducting a project involving literature review.
  • To produce professionals who have knowledge of national and international systems of educations, policies.
  • To provide qualified and competent youth educators for the development of the nation.

Admission Requirements in MEd - Master of Education

Eligiblity for Admission:-

To apply for this postgraduate degree, the applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in any relevant field. After the completion of this course, the students will be awarded with the Master's degree of Education.

Career and Scope

This course aims to produce highly qualified scholars in the field of education. The students who desire a career in educational areas seek for this course. Spreading awareness among people about the importance of education is a social contribution towards development of the country. In this way, people will start to send their children to school and educated people to pursue higher studies. The country will gain much manpower working for the development of the country.