If you are searching for the latest BMS Result TU, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly publishes BMS Result TU through this section of the website. The results are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.
Latest BMS Result TU
Click the link below to view the latest BMS Result TU.
Tribhuvan University takes exams semester wise in the Bachelor of Mountaineering Studies (BMS) program. The Office of the Controller of Examination provides the latest notification of BMS semester exam results of recent examinations. The successful students' exam roll numbers, also those roll numbers whose exams are postponed are also mentioned below the exam results of passed out students. Re-totaling is done fifteen days after the result gets published. The link of official source of BMS result semester wise is
Colleges Nepal will provide fresh result notices of the recent semester published from FoM website. You can view the recent semester BMS exam result at the Result section and BMS tab of the heading Tribhuvan University result webpage.