If you are searching for the latest BSc CSIT Result TU, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly publishes BSc CSIT Result TU through this section of the website. The results are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.
Latest BSc CSIT Result TU
Click the link below to view the latest BSc CSIT Result TU.
Access every TU BSc CSIT Results at Colleges Nepal!
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST) administers the semester wise exam of the BSc CSIT (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology). Attending and qualifying these exams allows students to advance to the next semester. The results of the conducted exams, after a certain period, are published in an official website of TU.
However, students can now access their TU BSc CSIT result of any semester also through Colleges Nepal website. They will not only be able to find the latest result here but also be able to view the entire BSc CSIT results compiled at one place. Colleges Nepal also publishes results for other TU affiliated programs along with BSc CSIT .
Frequently Asked Questions on BSc CSIT Result TU
You can collect your marksheet a few days after the result is published. The marksheets will be sent to your respective college. You can contact the marksheet distribution department of your college to collect your marksheet.
Note:We suggest you always double-check the mark sheet after you collect it. You will not only re-evaluate your grades and consider the feasible plan to enhance them but also might notice if there are any errors in your marksheet.
If you happen to notice any errors in your marksheet you can visit TU, Controller of Examinations, Balkhu with the application and the documents required to correct the errors. You can collect the corrected marksheet after certain time (Note: You will be informed about the time required to correct your marksheet at TU, Controller of Examinations office)
The documents you might require are:
- Photocopy of Admit Card
- Photocopy of Registration Card
- Photocopy of Marksheet
You have following options if you failed the exam:
If you are unsure about the marks you obtained on the failed subject you can request the re-totaling by filling out the form.
Tribhuvan University provides an opportunity for those students who failed their regular examination to reappear in the partial examination. The students who failed can reappear in one of such partial examinations.
Note: Tribhuvan University (TU) might charge a certain amount of fees for both the options.
Within 35 days after the results are published, students who want to apply for re-totaling must fill up the form and submit it to the TU, Controller of Examinations, Balkhu.
For re-totaling, you will be charged NPR 200 by TU, Controller of Examinations office.
Marks Range |
Grade |
90-100 |
A |
4.0 |
80-89.9 |
A- |
3.70-3.99 |
70-79.9 |
B+ |
3.30-3.69 |
60-69.9 |
B |
3.00-3.29 |
50-59.9 |
B- |
2.70-2.99 |
Below 50 |
F |
Below 2.70 |
TU usually publishes the results 2-3 months after the BSc CSIT exam is completed.
Students can now access BSc CSIT results of desired semesters at Colleges Nepal.
Having said that, You can also check your TU BSc CSIT result on the official website of Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology,
Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology (TU IoST) publishes the BSc CSIT results.