If you are searching for the latest BSc Midwifery Result TU, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly publishes BSc Midwifery Result TU through this section of the website. The results are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.
Latest BSc Midwifery Result TU
Click the link below to view the latest BSc Midwifery Result TU.
Bachelor of Nursing MidWifery Science results of three years program are published after the exams are over from Institute of Medicine, Office of the Dean Exam Control Division of Tribhuvan University.
Their official link and publishes the entrance exams and yearly exams results of Bachelor of Nursing Midwifery program for all Colleges offering this program both constituents and affiliated TU Colleges.
Colleges Nepal website an education based portal of Colleges for students periodically updates the result notices of Bachelor of Nursing Midwifery entrance, re-entrance and year wise exam result of recently commenced exams as per notice issued from Institute of Medicine authentic website. You can read the latest results by going to our home page from the results page from the important menu of navigation bar and go to BNS Midwifery to see new updates of the results.