If you are searching for the latest BSc RESULT TU, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly publishes BSc RESULT TU through this section of the website. The results are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.
Click the link below to view the latest BSc RESULT TU.
The Bachelor of Science (BSc) program offered by Tribhuvan University (TU), provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue higher education in many different kinds of science and technology disciplines.
The Institute of Science and Technology (IoST) at Tribhuvan University is responsible for conducting examinations. After they conduct the exam, they are also responsible for publishing the BSc Result TU which is available on their official website.
Having said that, students can easily access their BSc Result TU here at Colleges Nepal. Colleges Nepal constantly updates the latest BSc Result TU on its result page. Alongside the BSc Result TU, Colleges Nepal also compiles the results of other master’s and bachelor’s programs of different universities. Students can easily view the result of any program from Colleges Nepal.
Frequently Asked Questions on BSc RESULT TU
You can view your BSc result TU at the official website of TU IosT,
Also, you can now easily view your results from Colleges Nepal.
The Institute of Science and Technology (IoST) at Tribhuvan University is responsible for publishing the BSc result TU.
The grading system for the BSc result TU is provided in the table below:
Grade | Four-Year Average (%) |
Distinction | 75 and above |
First Division | 60-74 |
Second Division | 45-59 |
Third Division | 35-44 |
Fail | Below 35 |
Please visit TU, Controller of Examinations, Balkhu if you notice any errors on your TU BSc mark sheet. You have to take all the required documents, along with a written application stating the errors and requesting for their correction. The following documents could be needed:
- Photocopy of Admit Card
- Photocopy of Registration Card
- Photocopy of Marksheet
You should always verify your mark sheet after you receive it. You might notice some error in it, that is if there is any.
You need your symbol number to view your BSc result TU. TU IoST publishes the symbol number of only those students who have passed. If you can’t find your symbol number it means that you have failed your examination.
BSc result TU is published a few months after the examinations are completed.
Yes, you can see your BSc result TU via SMS.
As of now, students cannot view their results online with the mark sheet. Students have to wait for the physical copy to arrive to view their results with the mark sheet.
You can collect your mark sheet from your college a few days after the result is published.
The symbol number in the result list is the symbol number of those students who have passed the examinations. If your symbol number is not in the list it means that you have failed the examination.
If, by any chance, you fail the TU BSc Examination, you can either apply for re-totaling or appear in the partial examination later on.
TU IoST allows students who have failed their regular BSc examination to sit in the partial examination.
After IoST publishes the notice regarding the partial examination, students must fill out the form to sit in the examination
If you are not satisfied with the marks you received you can apply for the re-totaling.
To apply for re-totaling you should fill and submit the re-totaling form by paying a certain amount within 35 days after the results are published.
For re-totaling, you will have to pay NPR 200 per subject.
Yes, you will be upgraded to next year even if you fail your TU BSc examination.
However, note that students must pass all the examinations to graduate with the degree.
Students must pass all the examinations within 8 years of their admission date to get their BSc Degree.
Yes, you can appear in the partial examination even if you fail the regular practical examination.
The process for the partial practical examination is the same as that of regular theoretical examination.