If you are searching for the latest BTech Food Result TU, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly publishes BTech Food Result TU through this section of the website. The results are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.

Latest BTech Food Result TU

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  • Published on: November 11, 2024

    Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology have published the Bachelor of Technology food technology 2081 entrance exam result notice. The entrance exam held on 25 Kartik 2081 result has been published on merit basis. Concerned Colleges have to verify the original result of entrance exam, academic transcript, character certificate copy, migration certificate copy and publish admission list in rank wise order. The application for admission should be between periods of 27 Kartik to 30 Kartik 2081. The first admission list should be published on 2 Mangshir 2081. Second third list should be published as per requirement basis in rank wise order. Orientation program and class commencement of BTech Food Technology is 6 Mangshir 2081. Other details are specified in the notice as follows:

    Bachelor of Food Technology (BTech Food) program of Tribhuvan University (TU) is one of the programs under the Institute of Science and Technology (IoST). It is a four year program. Tribhuvan University takes entrance exams and also yearly exams of this program. The official link of notices of entrance exams and yearly exam of BTech Food is published at and to go and check individual results by entering exam roll number and respective program’s semester for which result has been published.

    Colleges Nepal education portal provides updates of examination results of entrance, re-entrance, yearly exams regular/ partial results upon receiving the notifications. You can go to our Colleges Nepal home page and click important on the top right handle of the web page and then click the result and take your cursor to Btech food and press to see the recent downloads.