If you are searching for the latest MA Journalism and Mass Communication Result TU, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly publishes MA Journalism and Mass Communication Result TU through this section of the website. The results are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.
Latest MA Journalism and Mass Communication Result TU
Click the link below to view the latest MA Journalism and Mass Communication Result TU.
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Central Department of Journalism and Mass Communication in Pradarshani Marg, Kathmandu runs the MA in Journalism and Mass Communication program and examinations to students of the concerned Colleges and program. The entrance exam and semester end exam of four semesters MA in Journalism and Mass Communication are conducted and published from TU FOHSS. The recent notification of exam result can be found in
Colleges Nepal an education in Nepal based webportal finds and updates the latest exam notices of the results published of recently taken examinations. You need to visit our website and go to the important menu at the top right of our home page, click to go to the result and scroll to the MAMCJ bar and further click to see the recently published MA in Mass Communication and Journalism result contents from authentic sources.