If you are searching for the latest Bachelor of Optometry Result TU, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly publishes Bachelor of Optometry Result TU through this section of the website. The results are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.
Latest Bachelor of Optometry Result TU
Click the link below to view the latest Bachelor of Optometry Result TU.
Bachelor of Optometry is a three year program of Institute of Medicine of Tribhuvan University. Each year IoM conducts entrance exams for admissions and results of entrance exam are published in the official website of Examination Control Division Institute of Medicine TU with yearly examinations of regular and partial exams at their official website link Examination Control Division-Institute of Medicine-Office of the Dean (
Colleges Nepal website also have a section called result which can be accessed by clicking important tab of home page of Colleges Nepal webpage and go to B.Optom TU result bar and click to find the latest uploaded contents of yearly and entrance, re-entrance examinations results from IoM exam division for Bachelor of Optometry examinations conducted by TU. We are the leading online education portal of Nepal and have many followers who visit our website daily for fresh contents of notices, news, programs and many more sections to get resourceful information.