BArch Syllabus ( Bachelor of Architecture)

It is an undergraduate program about studies and construction of physical structures with the raw materials used for buildings, industrial sites etc. In Nepal, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University, Pokhara University and Purbanchal University provides Bachelor of Architecture program.

barch Syllabus - PU (Pokhara)

It is a five years program with 150 credit hours of studies with course work, project work and thesis for graduation. It also provides practical office Experience at eighth semester and thesis work on Architectural design.

Semester Subject Credit Hour Code
1 Mathematics I 3 hrs MTH 112
1 Building Materials 2 hrs ARC 151
1 Architecture Modeling 2 hrs ARC 111
1 Architectural Graphics I 2 hrs ARC112
1 Introduction to Architecture 2 hrs ARC 121
1 Basic Design I 4 hrs ARC 101
2 Mathematics II 2 hrs MTH 122
2 Communication Technique 2 hrs Eng 104
2 Computer and Programming 2 hrs CMP 101
2 Architectural Graphics II 2 hrs ARC 113
2 Photography 2 hrs ARC 114
2 Basic Design II 4 hrs ARC 102
3 Structure Forms 2 hrs ARC 222
3 Surveying 2 hrs SRV 202
3 Building Science I 2 hrs ARC 241
3 Visual Arts 2 hrs ARC 215
3 History of Western Arch 2 hrs ARC 231
3 Architectural Design I 4 hrs ARC 203
4 Statics and Dynamics 2 hrs MEC 208
4 Computer Aided Design I 2 hrs CMP 212
4 Building Services I 2 hrs ARC 242
4 Building Construction I 2 hrs ARC 252
4 History of Eastern Arch 2 hrs ARC 232
4 Architectural Design II 5 hrs ARC 204
5 Structure I 2 hrs STR 331
5 Computer Aided Design II 2 hrs CMP 313
5 Building Construction II 2 hrs ARC 353
5 Architectural Elective I 2 hrs ARC 361
5 History of Nepalese Arch 2 hrs ARC 333
5 Architectural Design III 5 hrs ARC 305
6 Structure II 3 hrs STR 332
6 Building Science II 2 hrs ARC 342
6 Building Construction III 2 hrs ARC 354
6 Landscape Architecture 2 hrs ARC 371
6 History of Modern Arch 2 hrs ARC 334
6 Architecture Design IV 5 hrs ARC 306
7 Structure III 3 hrs STR 433
7 Settlement Planing 3 hrs ARC 481
7 Architecture Elective II 2 hrs ARC 462
7 Architecture Design V 5 hrs ARC 407
8 Practical Office Experience 15 hrs ARC 569
9 Structure IV 2 hrs STR 434
9 Architecture Elective III 2 hrs ARC 563
9 Estimating and Valuation 2 hrs ARC 455
9 Directed Studies and Seminar 2 hrs ARC 465
9 Building Service II 2 hrs ARC 443
9 Architecture Design VI 5 hrs ARC 408
10 Management And Economics 3 hrs ARC 524
10 Architecture And Society 2 hrs SOC 411
10 Architectural Design VII Thesis 10 hrs ARC 509
7 Working Drawing And Detailing 2 hrs ARC 423
barch Syllabus - PU

Purbanchal University provides five years 10 semesters Bachelor of Architecture program. It provides workshop training and three electives of student's choice. Students have to present thesis work besides regular courses for fulfillment of B.Arch program from this University.

Semester Subject Credit Hour Code
1 Building Material - I 2 hrs BEG110AR
1 Buliding Construction - I 3 hrs BEG111AR
1 Mathematics - I 3 hrs BEG101SH
1 Applied Machanics 3 hrs BEG150CI
1 An Introduction to Architecture 2 hrs BEG112AR
1 Workshop - I, Model and Sculpture 2 hrs BEG148ME
1 Art & Graphics - I 2 hrs BEG113AR
1 Basic Design - I 4 hrs BEG114AR
2 Building Material - II 2 hrs BEG115AR
2 Building Construction - II 3 hrs BEG116AR
2 Communication English 3 hrs BEG105SH
2 Mathematics - II 3 hrs BEG107SH
2 Strength of Materials 2 hrs BEG160CI
2 Building Science - I 2 hrs BEG117AR
2 Workshop-II, Carpentry, Mason 1 hrs BEG151CI
2 Art & Graphics - II 3 hrs BEG118AR
2 Basic Design - II 4 hrs BEG119AR
3 Building Science-II 2 hrs BEG217AR
3 Theory of Structure-I 2 hrs BEG264CI
3 Building Construction-III 2 hrs BEG211AR
3 Nepalese Architecture 2 hrs BEG212AR
3 Arts & Graphics-III 2 hrs BEG213AR
3 Design Studio-III 4 hrs BEG214AR
3 Surveying & leveling 3 hrs BEG260CI
4 Building Services-I 2 hrs BEG215AR
4 Building Construction-IV 3 hrs BEG218AR
4 Theory of Structure-II 2 hrs BEG266CI
4 Sociology of Architecture 2 hrs BEG208SH
4 Eastern Architecture 3 hrs BEG218AR
4 Design Studio-IV 4 hrs BEG219AR
4 Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) 3 hrs BEG272CO
5 Building Services-II 2 hrs BEG310AR
5 Interior Design 3 hrs BEG313AR
5 Design of Steel, Wood & Masonry Structure 2 hrs BEG367CI
5 Western Architecture 2 hrs BEG312AR
5 Design Studio-V 4 hrs BEG314AR
5 Design Theory -I 2 hrs BEG311AR
6 Working Dwgs. & Detailing 3 hrs BEG315AR
6 Specifications, Quantity, Surveying & Estimation 3 hrs BEG369CI
6 RCC Design 3 hrs BEG350CI
6 Design Studio-VI 4 hrs BEG319AR
6 Elective I: L. C. 3 hrs BEG318AR
6 Elective I: Vernacular 3 hrs BEG318AR
6 Landscape Architecture 2 hrs BEG317AR
7 Building Construction-V 2 hrs BEG410AR
7 Architectural Conservation 3 hrs BEG411AR
7 Urban Settelment Planning 3 hrs BEG412AR
7 Engineering Economics 2 hrs BEG450MS
7 Design Studio-VII 4 hrs BEG414AR
7 Modern Architecture 2 hrs BEG413AR
8 Construction Project Management 3 hrs BEG451CI
8 Professional Practice 2 hrs BEG416AR
8 Urban Design 3 hrs BEG417AR
8 Built Environment Research 3 hrs BEG418AR
8 Design Studio-VIII 4 hrs BEG420AR
8 Seminar 2 hrs BEG421AR
9 Professional Tranning Practice (Praticum) 10 hrs BEG510AR
10 Thesis Project 8 hrs BEG511AR
barch Syllabus - TU

TU, B Arch allows the users to get employed as Architects in government and non government organizations upon graduation. It is five years ten semesters academic program with theoretical and practical subjects such as internship designed by Institute of Engineering of Tribhuvan University.

Semester Subject Credit Hour Code
1 Engineering Mathematics I N/A SH 404
1 Applied Mechanics N/A CE 402
1 Basic Design I N/A AR 401
1 Introduction to Architecture N/A AR 402
1 Building Materials I N/A AR 403
1 Drafting I N/A AR 404
1 Free hand Sketching I N/A AR 405
2 Engineering Mathematics II N/A SH 454
2 Drafting II N/A AR 451
2 Basic Design II N/A AR 452
2 Free Hand Sketching II N/A AR 455
2 Arts and Graphics N/A AR 453
2 Building Construction I N/A AR 454
2 Basic Skill Workshop N/A CE 452
3 Design Studio III N/A AR 501
3 Design Theory I N/A AR 505
3 Building Materials II N/A AR 503
3 Building Science I N/A AR 506
3 Building Construction II N/A AR 504
3 History of Architecture I N/A AR 502
3 Structures I N/A CE 507
4 Design studio IV N/A AR 551
4 Design Theory II N/A AR 555
4 Building Construction III N/A AR 554
4 History of Architecture II N/A AR 552
4 Structure II N/A CE 557
4 Surveying N/A CE 558
5 Design Studio V N/A AR 601
5 Computer Aided Design and Drafting N/A AR 603
5 Working Drawing N/A AR 605
5 Building Construction IV N/A AR 604
5 Contemporary Architecture N/A AR 602
5 Building Services Ii N/A EE 604
5 Building Services I N/A CE 607
6 Sociology N/A SH 652
6 Design Studio VI N/A AR 651
6 Urban & Settlement Planning N/A AR 652
6 Building Science II N/A AR 654
6 Estimating & Costing N/A CE 659
6 Specifications N/A CE 658
7 Practicum N/A AR701
8 Design Studio VII N/A AR 752
8 Building Services III N/A ME 760
8 Architectural Conservation N/A AR 751
8 Construction Management N/A AR 753
8 Elective I N/A AR 765
8 Structure IV N/A CE 761
8 Communications (English & Nepali) N/A SH 754