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National College for Higher Education KU Affiliated
Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu | | 01-4540410
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Programs at National College for Higher Education

The various programs are as follows:

Bachelor of Social Sciences

KU Affiliated

Bachelor of Social Sciences (BOSS) is a different program which is designed to point out the complete study of social sciences. The course is affiliated to Kathmandu University (KU). Like all, the program provided by the College it also runs for 4 years. The course focuses on the dynamics of the society and the social change incorporating the subjects like Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science and Governance. The program shows the modern gesture of Nepalese Society. The aim of this course is to create social researchers, policy analyst and social entrepreneurs.

Bachelor in Development Studies

KU Affiliated

The Bachelor in Development Studies (BDeVS) is an internationally recognized and requirement driven program which has been offered by the National College. This course is affiliated to Kathmandu University (KU). The course focuses on Sustainable Development and Practices. The courses contain of two or more academic fields. The interdisciplinary subject consists the study of Economics, Sociology, Environment, Development Management and Research. The course is based on semester system. The course run for four years.The main target of this program is to generate sustainable development practitioners, entrepreneurs and researchers.The course addresses the development issues of developing countries like Nepal with the regional perspectives of South Asia. 

Bachelor in Development Finance

KU Affiliated

The Bachelor in Development Finance (BDFin) is in a high demand and the program is offered by the National College under the supervision of Kathmandu University (KU). This course is internationally recognized. The college is designed on the basis of sustainable Finance and Economic Development. This program covers high degree of elasticity which cover various range of courses from Concepts of Theories of Development, Economics, Financial Management and Investment as well as Entrepreneurship. The program is based on semester system and covers 4 years.The objective of this course is to create Financial Analysts, Development Entrepreneurs and Researchers.

The National College for Higher Education was established in 1999 by a group of talented academicians. The main reason behind the development of the National College for Higher Education was to provide quality education to students in a highly friendly environment.

The main aim of the institute is to develop and mold the students for the future as per the demands of the country. The National College for Higher Education has been making an effort for academic as well as overall personality development. The National College for Higher Education is affiliated with Kathmandu University (KU).

The institute offers a range of courses, such as:

  • Bachelor in Development Studies (BDEVS)
  • Bachelor in Development Finance (BDFin)
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences (BOSS)

Why National College

The National College for Higher Education was established to deliver quality education in a highly compatible academic environment. The main objective of this academy is to prepare and guide the students for flourishing manpower as per the demands of the country. Since its initiation, the institute has been making an effort for academic excellence toward overall personality development. The National College for Higher Education created the Center for Development Studies (CEDS) in 1999 to meet the growing need for capable professionals.

This institution has created history by generating a concept and implementing suitable academic programs in the field of education. All the courses provided by this academy are affiliated with Kathmandu University (KU).

  • Unique Courses in South Asia
National College, established in 1996, is a pioneering institution in South Asia offering undergraduate studies in the development field.
  • Kathmandu University Affiliation
We have been associated with Kathmandu University, one of the best universities for higher learning in Nepal, since 1996. We are the only institute offering courses on development studies, development finance, and social sciences affiliated with Kathmandu University.
  • Academic Excellence
The Kathmandu University Vice Chancellor’s Award (Gold Medal) is given to the bachelor-level student who has the highest score among all the bachelor's degree programs from all faculties of KU.
  • Centre for Development Studies
UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Center for Development Studies and Regional Cooperation Centre for Development Studies
Total enrolled international students: 12 Current enrollment of international students: 3.

Scholarships at National College

The National College for Higher Education provides scholarship schemes under various categories:

  • SAF Madanjeet Singh Scholarship: Under this scholarship, 8 candidates from SAARC countries are fully funded to study undergraduate courses.
  • Semester-Topper Scholarship: 50% semester fee waived for students scoring a 4 GPA in each semester for each program, and a 35% semester fee waived for one student from each program with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA).
  • Needy and Diligent Scholarship: Every year, 10% of total candidates are provided, under which a 33% semester fee is waived for students.


Principal Message


Hello everyone, Namaste!

I take immense pleasure and pride in sharing with you our joy unbound as the National College for Higher Education reaches a very special milestone: 25 years of establishment. For me, it is one of the most cherished moments of my life. For a quarter of a century, we have dedicated our lives to laying the groundwork for building human resources suitable for meeting the development and social challenges of Nepal. National College has been doing this through the Bachelor in Development Studies (BDevS) since 1999, the Bachelor in Development Finance (BDFin) since 2006, and the Bachelor of Social Sciences (BoSS) since 2013.

Despite the doom and gloom that surrounds us at present, we have relentlessly pursued our goal of excellence and innovation in academia. We are undoubtedly updating and upgrading ourselves to impart quality education today, much in the same way we have been doing for the past 25 years.

However, our dedication to body, mind, and spirit would not have been enough if it weren’t for the contribution of our partners, friends, and well-wishers.

On this memorable day, I want to thank all the students, alumni, faculty, and staff for their effort to make this institution shine. It is the dedication of hardworking students, motivated faculty, and enthusiastic staff. I would also like to thank the present and past Vice Chancellors of Kathmandu University and the Deans of the School of Arts for their continuous support and guidance. I would also like to express my gratitude to our advisors for their advice, which has helped the institution move forward. At this particular moment, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the partner organizations, research grant providers, guest speakers, research project supervisors, internship-provider institutions, mentors, subject committee members, other key academicians, and professionals for their very valuable support.

Thank you!


Extra Information

Research, Project Work and Grants
In the past four academic sessions (2018–2021), 74 research grants for field studies and financial assistance have been provided to students undertaking independent research activities on the basis of outstanding research proposals. Some of the grants and financial assistance are the Himalayan Shamsher JB Rana Research Grant, the Madhav Prasad Ghimire Memorial Research Grant, the CWIN Nepal Financial Assistance, and the Dana International Fukuoka Research Grant, among others. Samriddhi Journal of Development Studies is a research journal where several research articles on disciplines concerning development studies, development finance, and social sciences are published by the National College. It is in its ninth issue at the moment.
Field Studies
Students can visit various organizations, cultural heritage sites, and historical sites all over Nepal for first-hand practical learning experiences. Because of the pandemic-induced movement restrictions, outdoor-based field activities have been limited to one-day field visits only at National College.
International Student Exchange Program
Nepal-Japan Students Exchange Program, a joint initiative between National College, Waseda University, and the University of Sacred Heart, Tokyo, Japan, has been in practice since 2006. Since the year 2017, Sophia University, Tokyo, too, has become a partner in this program. The program conducts spring and summer projects in Nepal and Japan in March and August, respectively.
Cross-Cultural Learning Environment
Through the Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University (CIKU), 17 National College students have so far had the opportunity to visit China for education, learning, and cultural exchange. Also, Paul Smith’s College collaborated with the National College in 2019 to undertake research in tourism and the environment. Reframe: NC itself is a cross-cultural learning center for SAF and other foreign students.
Global Internships and Opportunities
Students of National College have been provided with internship opportunities with organizations in Bangladesh, India, Thailand, and the Philippines.
International Students at NC
This institute has been opted for by a number of foreign students from all over the globe. From Germany, Switzerland, and Finland to Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka, and Australia, we have had 21 students (5 under the semester abroad program) who have studied or are studying with us. This, along with regular visiting faculties and guests from China, Canada, Bangladesh, Japan, India, and other countries, helps make NC a place for cross-cultural knowledge exchange, resulting in an apt learning environment.
Next-Gen Youth: National College Fellowship
This institute intends to nurture the new generation through guidance and motivation to become more responsible towards society, culture, and the environment they live in, resulting in the formation of the NextGen Youth Fellowship (NGY). NGY is a fellowship program for higher secondary youths conducted by National College in association with SAF Nepal, the Youth Network for Social and Environmental Development (YONSED), Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness (ECCA), and YUWA. This fellowship was started in 2014/15, and already there are 199 fellows from its seven batches.
Admission Procedures
Entry Requirements:
Applicants must have a plus2 or equivalent degree in any discipline with at least a D in all subjects. Candidates waiting to improve grades in their non-graded subjects (2 subjects) can also apply and take provisional admission. However, they need to submit their make-up grades during the Kathmandu University registration process. Failing to do so will result in the cancellation of provisional admissions.
Entrance Examination

Candidates are required to take the KUSAAT (Kathmandu University School of Arts’ Admission Test), the details of which are as follows:

  • KUSAAT is an entrance exam (physical or online) conducted by KUSOA (Kathmandu University School of Arts) in cooperation with affiliated colleges and programs.
  • KUSAAT consists of 4 sections: GK, Math, English, and Nepali, followed by an interview (physical or online).
  • After successfully passing KUSAAT, students will be eligible to get admissions into the Bachelor in Development Studies (BDevS), Bachelor in Development Finance (BDFin), and Bachelor of Social Sciences (BoSS) programs at National College, Dhumbarahi.

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