If you are searching for the latest BBA Result TU, you have landed to the right page. Colleges Nepal regularly publishes BBA Result TU through this section of the website. The results are authentic and taken from the official website of the concerned authority.
Latest BBA Result TU
Click the link below to view the latest BBA Result TU.
The semester-wise results of BBA are published on an official website of Tribhuvan University (TU). Now, at their convenience students can also check their BBA results of every semester that has ever been published on Colleges Nepal website.
Along with the BBA results, you can also be notified or get updates on other program results published by the TU Faculty of Management for both bachelor and Masters level programs through this website. To view the BBA result for the desired semester, expand the semester tab below you want to check your result for.
Frequently Asked Questions on BBA Result TU
The BBA results are published by Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management (FOM).
You can check your results on Colleges Nepal’s result page. Colleges Nepal Publishes authentic results through trusted sources. You can also check the result on the official website of TU Faculty of Management (FOM)
The BBA exam results are usually published within 2-3 months after the examination is conducted.
After the result is published, the mark sheets will be sent to the respective colleges. You can collect your marksheet from your own college.
If you notice any errors in your marksheet, you can visit TU, Controller of Examinations, Balkhu with the required application and documents. There you can submit your application with documents for the errors to be corrected. You can visit again to collect your corrected marksheet.
The documents required are:
- Photocopy of Admit Card
- Photocopy of Registration Card
- Photocopy of Marksheet
Yes, you can apply for the retotaling for BBA.
Students need to submit the re-totaling form in the TU Controller for Examinations office within 35 days after the result has been published.
For retotaling of BBA result, students will be charged NPR 200 per subject.
Marks Range |
Grade |
90-100 |
A |
4.0 |
80-89.9 |
A- |
3.70-3.99 |
70-79.9 |
B+ |
3.30-3.69 |
60-69.9 |
B |
3.00-3.29 |
50-59.9 |
B- |
2.70-2.99 |
Below 50 |
F |
Below 2.70 |
Fear not! Even if you don't pass the exam for a certain semester of the BBA program, you will have two choices.
- If you have doubts about the marks you obtained, you can request for the retotaling and wait for the updated marks.
- You can reappear for a partial examination for your subject later by filling out a partial examination form.
Note: Tribhuvan University (TU) might charge a certain amount of fees for both the options.