Class 12 exam results and re totaling notice

National Examination Board at Sanothimi, Bhaktapur published class 12 results of Science, Management, Humanities and Education recently. The total number of students who gave exams were 4, 28,052 students. From this, 2, 92,153 students were regular and remaining on partial side.  Around two lakh eight thousand two hundred and seventy six students were male and two lakh six thousand nine hundred and seventy five were females. The highest scoring students with GPA 3.61 to 4.0 were 3067 students and the least scoring 0.0-0.80 GPA were 13,362 students. The scores have been found decreasing  than the last year mainly with high scorers in the Class 12 results. Earlier, 14234 students score A+ Grade this year only 3067 students have scored this grade.  The lowest E Grade was scored by none previous year but this year 13,362 students have scored this grade. A new announcement from National Examination board said any students who were not satisfied with their marks in any particular subject could apply for retotaling. The last date is before 28th Shrawan 2076 B.S. Students will have to pay a fee of Rs 500 and those who scored C grade or lower in any two subjects can participate in Grade Improvement exams. If the student cannot submit the fee at the due deadline then at latest 3rd Bhadra 2076 B.S.where they will have to pay Rs.1200 and submit the form on the head office of National Examination Board by that date. Students can check their Plus 2 board results from edusanjal. They can put their symbol number at this link 
The results of each students will be displayed with their GPA (Grade Point Average). Other websites such as National Examination Board( NEB), Nepal telecom(NTC) , Ministry of Education Science and technology(MoEST) have all also put results for class 12 board exams of 2076 B.S.