Far Western University
FWU Programs FWU Affiliated Colleges
About University
Far Western University was established in 2010. It is located at Bhemdatta Municipality at Mahendranagar. It has been providing education in the nine districts of the Far Western region Colleges to fulfill the mission of "right to education and accessibility for higher education to provide opportunity for developing the nation". It provides under graduate and graduate level programs. In 2021 February Far Western University have commenced M.Phil and PhD research degrees. It has also revised the existing pedagogy with aim of achieving an academic excellence through the light of higher education.It have also signed Memorandum of Understanding with different national and International Institutions, Universities, Local and provincial government organizations, international research and development organizations.
Academic areas
There are mainly Six Faculties in the Far Western University which are Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Science and technology, Faculty of Engineering and Agriculture. There are 1166 staffs in the University from which 965 are teaching and 201 non teaching staffs. The Central Departments of Far Western university are Department of Computer Science and Information technology, Dept. of General Science, Dept. of Engineering, Dept. of Management, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Humanities and Dept. of Agriculture.
The major academic programs offered are:
Bachelor programs in Political Science, History, Geography, Economics, English Literature, Nepali, Sociology, Development studies, Mass Communication, Social Work, Law. Bachelor of Arts in Nepali, English, Health and Physical, Mathematics, Population, Computer Science and Information technology, Special Need Education. Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of General Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology, Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science Agriculture.
Masters program are in Sociology, Development Studies, English Literature, Economics, Nepali, Teaching English to speak of other's language, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Curriculum Planning and leadership, Special need education, MBS and MBA.
M.Phil program are in English Literature, Nepali, Curriculum Planning and leadership, TESOL.
PhD program are in English Literature, Teaching English to Speak other's language.
Far Western University Campuses in Nepal are Central Campus, Tikapur Multiple Campus, Darchula Multiple Campus, Bajura Campus, Triveni Multiple Campus, Ghanteshwar Seti Mahakali Multiple Campus, Sita Ram Multiple Campus, Janata Multiple Campus, Jayaprithivi Multiple Campus, Badimalika Campus,Manilek Multiple Campus, Patan Multiple Campus and Jagannath Multiple Campus.
Facilities and resources
Far Western University have its own teachers, library with enough resource material, above 8000 students and 90 staffs under its wing.
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