Orientation cum workshop program application for the participants from every Colleges having BBM BIM of TU notice

Tribhuvan University have published a notice regarding participants names from every BBM and BIM Colleges in Nepal mainly Principals for the Orientation cum workshop program about teaching and evaluation. Every College running these programs have to send two names of participants compulsory and name list email forwarded at fomdean@gmail.com and info@fom.tu.edu.np by 20 Jestha 2080. The upcoming orientation cum workshop will be held at Hotel Landmark Pokhara on 27 and 29 Jestha 2080 from 8 A.M. onwards. Participation fees is Rs 15000 per person and this amount has to be deposited at Nepal Bank Limited Current Account number 04500100099066000001 and voucher of deposit must also be provided as per their official notice below: