We are deeply touched by the way we have been raised by our Parents and given us joy to be a part of this beautiful world. We are bringing new generations and paving them the way out to live a successful and a happy life. As the birth rate increases our Parents have pushed the envelope by growing older and older. This phase of their life is like a sparkle of diamond or you could say frosting in a cake. They are not looking for anything more than spending their life in comfort after retirements. The things that give them satisfaction are their children’s success in the walks of life and love for them by their family. What goes around comes around is the truth about life.
We human beings are no exceptions. The chance that your Parents will have a long life is greater than ever before and this means more years of their love and support. However in reality, it is you who have to address their needs as they grow older. Realize that sometimes you and your siblings combined effort may not be sufficient for looking after your Parents. You can also arrange for caregivers and explain what you want for them. While you are at a distance from your aging Parents and elders you can constantly make a call and reach for them and ask how are they doing or how the caretaker is giving her service. For e.g. how my mom was feeling? Did my dad/mom eat on time? Or who had visited them during the week? Addressing these questions and also showing gratitude for the caregivers support will do a lot of trick, especially when you are not self-volunteering. We don’t realize but while we are caring for our Parents we are given with strength to face anything.
Your resilience and your soul wisdom strengthen. It becomes traumatizing when two elderly people or couple get separated by our unthoughtful decisions. You can get more organized in this field by doing paper works to access the financial support and budget work to mitigate the expense incurred. Technology can be a huge help with video monitors, apps and smart devices that allow check-ins on basic routines. For e.g. monitor sensor alerts to monitor if the loved ones got out of bed, whether mom/dad took their medications. We are a mobile society and doctors tend to be happy when there is care giver involved. If we are dedicated to help our Parents and seniors from our heart we must not forget to take care of ourselves also. It is very practical because just like a car can’t run on empty neither can we. Find out possible ways to win our Parents heart by being thoughtful about their age, heath and needs so that we don’t feel regretful later when they are not with us and when we fill their place.
“Parents are like God because you wanna know they’re out there, and you want them to think well of you, but you really only call when you need something”.
Chuck Palahniuk
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