Perspective on New Degree

Q) It has been almost a decade you are in the Management position of one of the leading College of Nepal, how has Nepalese education been in this process from your experience?
In the context of Nepal, it is seen that different kind of programs are launched in Nepal, from this we can say that we are in the sphere of global competition. We are lacking behind providing practical education as our education system is more theoretical. So, students cannot grab jobs based on their education. Only few technical courses have fulfilled the objective of practical learning. Our education and syllabus is not compatible with industry’s requirements. Even colleges are oblivious about this. So in this part, it is very essential for bridging the gap. What kind of human resource is essential and from what academic background they should represent is undefined and as a result, Colleges are also not able to work towards producing the skilled human resource in those sectors. Therefore, it is necessary to bridge the gap in the education system of Nepal.


Q) In which areas of education should must our Country focus on?
Our education system is directly related with our society and their involvement. Those education which can identify the social problems, make social improvement, bring political stability in the nation is the requirement. Conflict Management and restoring peace, all these areas must be managed so courses like Information Technology and related subjects are wanted inorder to address these issues. Information technology helps to flow information to right person at the right time, right place so that decision maker can make informed decisions. We have subjects about them but they are not implemented practically.


Q) In Masters level studies we have general courses but very few specialization courses. Why Universities are not able to bring them? Is it because their demand is less?Specialization courses are highly essential and it has a demand. In Bachelors program generic subjects are meaningful but when they enter Masters program specialization becomes very essential. In our country specialization courses are electives and they have less value but it is very important. May be some Universities find it difficult to maintain due to less students and more cost in specialization and students may have to pay more can be one part, from another point in Nepal, specialization on certain subjects is difficult due to lack of human resource and for implementing the knowledge which students have gained by understanding the Corporate culture of business organizations is seen difficult and challenging for students.


Q) What challenges do you find while conducting Bachelors and Masters level education in the educational institutions?
First challenge we face is the political instability of our Country, second is the students involvement in the politics. There must be absolutely zero politics as a student. There can be student councils to protect the rights of students but joining hands with big political groups and doing politics is not good at all. It is unhealthy because students have lost their academic year by engaging in politics. We have such examples who repent later. Another major challenge is government policy. Job availability is the role of government. Either they have to change the education system or make job availability. Most of students seek foreign employment so government must bridge gap between industrial and education sector. Certain indicators for measuring aptitude of students and quality should be monitored. Are we getting skilled human resource and are they doing their jobs properly from their knowledge must be checked.


Q) What are the challenges you see in making students more professional and job sellable?
University syllabus must be specific for project based learning. Work and educational knowledge must be hand in hand. Only theoretical knowledge without any practical approach is not sufficient today. So syllabus must be changed and private institutes which are running for profit making only without addressing academic syllabus must be monitored.


Q) What suggestion would you like to give our government to enhance education in Nepal and meet the quality of international degrees and programs?
First there must be a research on what human resource are required in what sectors at local level from the available opportunities. Are they needed in Agriculture or Information technology, Education or in other sectors, first that must get identified. Then, to meet those requirements and raise employment those subjects must be prescribed in the academic education. For any education internship is a must. People must work in the Company before getting a job. For any field there must be a suitable availability of jobs. In IT students are not able to get internship in IT related companies but it is reverse in banking sector. Student’s learning attitude is also a determining factor as most seek the easy way out. It is our society and our brought up also, so society must be prepared for imparting correct education along with conducive government policy.


Interview taken from:
Mr. Raju Kattel
Head, IT and Computer engineering.
Kantipur City College. Affiliated to Purbanchal University.
Qualifications: BCA, BCA honors, MCA Purbanchal University.

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