The Honorable Power Minister, Mr. Janardan Sharma inaugurated the 14th National Technological Festival on 9th February, 2017 which is going to last for 3 days. Started in the year 2003, the locus event is organized by a team of 15 members this year. The title sponsor of Locus 2017 is IT Training Nepal, and Colleges Nepal its official media partner.This year Locus 2017 tech-fest has set a theme called Renovating Society.
The Locus 2017 event was initiated by a group of scholars representing undergraduate level of Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering of IOE in the year 2003 to provide proper exposure to the Nepalese engineering students. To unfold the potentiality of the students, Locus plays a vital role by organizing various events and pre-events.
Competitive events like Hack-A-Week, Dronacharya, Energy Hackathon, Locus Project Competition, RoboWarz, Photography Competition, Art Competition, Inter College Quiz, Tech Debates, Yomari Code Camp, Walkathon and Color will be held on specified dates. The organizing team will be offering certain cash amount and prizes to the winners of these events.
Tech Debate competition was conducted recently as pre-event of Locus on the premise of Pulchowk College. Many enthusiast students were seen participating in the competition. With an aim to conduct debate in various topics of technology in the British Parliamentary Format, the competition took place from 27th-29th January 2017. The winner of the competition will be getting a prize money of NRs. 15, 000/-, the student winning the Best Speaker title will win NRs. 5, 000/- and the student winning the Best Adjudicator title will achieve NRs. 3, 000/-.
Minister of Energy adds - Just a theoretical knowledge is not enough for engineering students. The students are required to implement what they study in practical and should be aware of the demand and necessity of the society that can be fulfilled with the help of the technology. So, to demonstrate their hardware skills, software skills, creativity and logical reasoning skills, they require a platform. Locus event has appeared as such platform for the students. The tech-fest lived up to its main objective which is to promote innovation and creation in the field of technology. Such events should be focused and conducted more often for the enhancement of students' potential.
The popular Nepali actor Mr. Dayahang Rai also showed up at the event and even more excitement added up with his presence among the students. Many fun games were also part of the fair. Students were seen enjoying the games and happy receiving gifts. Lots of other competitions are left to take place in coming days. We'll keep you updating.